Rorty has died 8 Jun 200724 Nov 2022 The Leiter Report has a brief obit. Richard Rorty was a significant thinker, although I must say that what I learned from his work Philosophy and the MIrror of Nature, I had to unlearn later on. But that is the way of philosophical discussions. More from Telos, courtesy of Mixing Memory. I just heard from those who knew him that he died after a 15 month battle with pancreatic cancer. Until shortly before his death, he was quite active. Logic and philosophy
Logic and philosophy Ruse on Creationism in the SEP 28 Oct 2007 Michael Ruse has a new article up on creationism in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. There’s not much new to those who know his work, but the following comment resonates – dare I say thunders – in the Science Blogs Atheism Wars: Unfortunately at the moment, those opposed to Creationism… Read More
Humor What do colourless green ideas do? They sleep, furiously 27 Nov 2007 This little piece by netfriend Richard Harter, who apparently predates coal, serves to demonstrate that philosophers really aren’t clever enough at thinking up counterexamples… Read More
Evolution Philosophy is to science, as ornithologists are to birds: 3. Science is a Dynamic Process 6 Jun 200724 Nov 2022 In this post, I want to propose my own view, or rather the views I have come to accept, about the nature of science. [Part 1; Part 2] Read More
I’m not exactly a fan of Rorty, but I’ll still pay him respect. He was indeed a significant thinker, even if a lot of his though was horribly muddled and confused (IMO, at least).