Research blogging goes live 23 Jan 2008 You’ll recall that we had a new logo and link for Blogging Peer Reviewed Research. This is now rebadged and has become Research Blogging. It will aggregate and feed the posts on peer reviewed research. General Science
General Science Thoughts on the periodic table 4 Feb 2010 Eric Scerri has written the definitive history of Mendele’ev’s periodic table and how it came to be formulated. He also has a paper in which he proposes a new formulation, based on historical considerations of what it was that Mendele’ev was trying to do, and on more theoretical considerations of… Read More
General Science What philosophy of science and “postmodernism” have in common 28 Jul 2008 Lately there has been a rediscovery on the blogia of C. P. Snow’s Two Cultures – which initially was the divide between those who understood the Second Law of Thermodynamics and those who don’t, but is now, it appears, between those who know math and those who don’t, and the… Read More
Evolution On the supposed bottleneck 70,000 years ago 3 May 2008 John Hawks has a very nice post for people with basic math, explaining why a recent press release announced that 70,000 years ago the human species encountered a population bottleneck of 2000 individuals, and why it’s most likely wrong. In the process he explains effective population size. It’s a tad… Read More