Penises, criminals and me 2 Aug 20112 Aug 2011 It’s all there at Darwin Eats Cake Update and elaboration: I asked Jon Wilkins’ (no recent relation) comic creation Guillame the Adaptationist Goat to explain why we make weird faces when orgasming. Lest my readers think I have done an empirical study on this, alas no. I took it from this scene [at 5:18] in Dogma, where the Voice of God, the Metatron, played with the usual panache by Alan Rickman, notes that the angels laugh with God when humans make orgasm faces. It seemed that if there was a creationist account, there had to be an evolutionary psychology account. Here are all three comics that resulted. Jon is a great story teller… Humor
History Abandon all hope, ye who enter here! 23 Apr 2008 Or, “Ive been a baaaddd boy, Abbott” The Dante’s Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Level Score Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low Level 1 – Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Moderate Level 2 (Lustful) Very High Level 3… Read More
Administrative A nice experience 12 Oct 2007 My mate Ian Musgrave, Astroblogger and expert in several fields of science, and his lovely family, are up visiting rellies in Queensland from the arid wasteland that is Adelaide. We all went on a bushwalk and while we were eating apples at the top of the cliff, we saw a… Read More
Biology The relation between physics and biology 23 Jun 2009 … or, The Real Anthropic Principle… I was musing, as one does, about the relation between physics and biology. Usually we think of biology as some domain that can (or, depending on your personal position, cannot) be reduced to physics. I, on the other hand think of biology, like chemistry,… Read More
But how do you know you make odd faces when you orgasm? Logically, either you use a mirror or you don’t. If you don’t use a mirror, then you won’t see the odd face. If you use a mirror, then you won’t get the orgasm. Is it something to do with the way people laugh?
Who says if you use a mirror that you won’t get your orgasm? Or your funny face? Bunk intel on that one. Mirrors are not on closet doors just to ensure a tidy appearance.