Being 25 Apr 202228 Apr 2022 Ousia Liddell and Scott: property; (philosophy) being, essence, reality. That which is one’s own, one’s property. Substance, as in “a man of substance”. In philosophy, ousia is taken to mean stable being, substance, or essence [but see arch?, eidos]. When Aristotle introduced the notion of an essence in the Metaphysics Z, he uses a phrase, to ti ên einai , which was translated into Latin as essentia. The uses of ousia for essence or nature in philosophy are probably derived from the theological Christological debates of the fourth century, in which the eastern and western churches split based on a difference between Jesus divine and human natures being homoiousias (Eastern, or Orthodox churches), meaning “similar natures” or homoousias, (Western or Roman churches) meaning “same nature”. There is literally one iota of difference between them. In his logical works, Aristotle links the notion of essence to that of definition (horismos)—“a definition is an account (logos) that signifies an essence” (Topics 102a3)—and he links both of these notions to a certain kind of per se predication (kath’ hauto, literally, “in respect of itself,” or “intrinsically“)—”what belongs to a thing in respect of itself belongs to it in its essence (en tôi ti esti)” for we refer to it “in the account that states the essence” (Posterior Analytics, 73a34–5) [Cohen, S. Marc and C. D. C. Reeve, “Aristotle’s Metaphysics”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = < Greek Words
Greek Words Account/Cause 28 Apr 202228 Apr 2022 aitia culpability, criminal responsibility, cause Aristotle sets out four things responsible for changes: “On the question “why” with respect to any process of generation or change, four answers are possible; these are the four causes. 1) The material cause (the constituent out of which something comes to be). 2) The… Read More
Greek Words Greek words used in classical philosophy 21 Feb 202225 Apr 2022 I prepared this for an undergraduate class last year. I’m putting it up under the Creative Commons license here for people to use. If you have any suggested terms to add, let me know. I’ll keep it up to date. Read More