Operative concepts 27 Apr 202227 Apr 2022 Gave a talk “The Good Species” yesterday (26 April 2022) to the HPS crowd at UniMelb. The discussion went a way I didn’t expect: classification in the psychiatric and medical domains. I proposed a third kind of concept formation in science: what I am calling “operative concepts”: folk terms and categories that become scientific concepts and carry a greater weight than a folk biological concept usually does. I asked for suggestions in other fields, and Kristian Camilleri suggested “planet”, which is clearly a folk science category, but it is a very limited notion, more about convention than ontology. Any other ideas? “Disease” and psychiatric notions (such as various emotions) are cultural, and have acquired new extensions but they are often normative, which isn’t quite what I am looking for. Asking “are species real?” is not the same as asking “are there human universal emotions?” since these are thick concepts. The slides are here: https://www.slideshare.net/jswilkins/the-good-species The recording will be up at a later date. Epistemology Philosophy Science Species and systematics Species concept
History The Blue Book is in PDF 10 Sep 2009 Systematists know the tome by Gareth Nelson and Norman Platnick, Systematics and Biogeography (1981), as the Blue Book (shades of Wittgenstein!). It was published once and is now so hard to get that I have been unable to find a copy in ten years of looking. Now, Malte Ebach tells… Read More
Epistemology On knowledge and consistency 10 Mar 2010 Well, the cat and the pigeons are having a field day, although it is open yet to interpretation which are the cats and which the pigeons. Josh Rosenau’s post, which I approvingly cited and riffed off, has led to a number of critical blog posts in the ongoing accommodationism war…. Read More
Philosophy I wonder what it *is* that I actually do? 14 Oct 2010 A note on credit: I have been accused elsewhere of having leached off Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, by Zack Weiner, whose cartoons I often use. Zack has not complained, and I am using the code he generates at his site, unmodified, and the images are from his site, not reposted… Read More