On, well, everything 19 Jan 2008 This conjoins a number of themes of late: poetry, postmodernism, and no doubt popery (Latin anyway)… Two poems by A. D. Godley: THE MEGALOPSYCHIAD by: A.D. Godley GREAT and good is the typical Don, and of evil and wrong the foe, Good, and great, I’m a Don myself, and therefore I ought to know: But of all the sages I ever have met, and of all the Dons I’ve known, There never was one so good and great as Megalopsychus Brown. Megalopsychus Brown was blessed with a Large and Liberal View: Six sides he saw of a question vexed, when commonplace men saw two: He looked at it East, and he looked at it West, and he looked at it upside down– Such was the large and liberal mind of Megalopsychus Brown. He held one creed which he made for himself, and he held it fast and strong– That to act in an obvious logical cause is shallow, and base, and wrong; And all that was said for Freedom of Trade so plausible seemed and plain, That he nearly made up his mind to vote for Mr. Chamberlain– Yes! if any one urged that the moon was cheese, he would always at once admit, Though the point of view was undoubtedly new, there was much to be said for it. But out and alas! for his charity wide had a tendency sad to see (And it much impaired the practical use of Megalopsychus B.);– For since, as I’ve said, no strange ideas could cause him the least alarm, As he never believed that anyone else intended the smallest harm, He became the sport and the natural prey of men both bold and bad Who hadn’t at heart the Highest Good (as Megalopsychus had); Men with a crank, and men with a fad, and men with an axe to grind, Men with an eye to the main main chance and an unacademical mind. They told him of Science, they told him of Greek, they told him of verses and prose, They led him about in the strangest ways by his highly respectable nose:– Till the Public awoke and was pained to find that Megalopsychus’ rule Had changed what was once the Muses’ seat to a kind of Technical School; And everyone said when that learned spot was shorn of its old renown, ‘Behold the large and liberal views of Megalopsychus Brown!’ MOTOR BUS by: A.D. Godley WHAT is this that roareth thus? Can it be a Motor Bus? Yes, the smell and hideous hum Indicat Motorem Bum! Implet in the Corn and High Terror me Motoris Bi: Bo Motori clamitabo Ne Motore caedar a Bo– Dative be or Ablative So thou only let us live: Whither shall thy victims flee? Spare us, spare us, Motor Be! Thus I sang; and still and still anigh Came in hordes Motores Bi, Et complebat omne forum Copia Motorum Borum. How shall wretches live like us Cincti Bis Motoribus? Domine, defende nos Contra hos Motores Bos! Humor
Evolution A casual disregard for facts 22 Aug 200818 Sep 2017 A little while back I linked to Sahotra Sarkar’s review of Steve Fuller’s Science versus Religion. Now Fuller has put up a defence at the Intelligent Design website, Uncommon Descent, under the gerrymandered image of a bacterial flagellum (if you want to know what a real flagellum would look like… Read More
Humor For every philosopher 8 Sep 2010 It’s an old joke: the one rigid and true law of economics is “For every economist, there is an equal and opposite economist”. But the joke was anticipated by Cicero back in the Roman times: “”There is nothing so absurd but some philosopher has said it.”[1] I would like to… Read More
A silverback thinker from Oz When wondering why it all woz Said, I know it’s not fair But I guess it’s all there Just becoz, just becoz, just becoz
A silverback thinker from Oz When wondering why it all woz Said, I know it’s not fair But I guess it’s all there Just becoz, just becoz, just becoz
Careful – it’s extremely risky to actually challenge a dominant silverback to anything, even if it’s only poetry. Of course… if you were a potential rival male, the low odds of winning such a conflagration would be balanced by considering the inevitable harem that your opponent must have stashed away somewhere. You won’t catch a silverback without one’o those.
Careful – it’s extremely risky to actually challenge a dominant silverback to anything, even if it’s only poetry. Of course… if you were a potential rival male, the low odds of winning such a conflagration would be balanced by considering the inevitable harem that your opponent must have stashed away somewhere. You won’t catch a silverback without one’o those.
Spedding? Spedding… hmmm, is that one of those peripheral males I trounce every so often? Why? Because I can.
And while your out trouncing Spedding, the rest of us are increasing our reproductive opportunities. Thanks Spedding. 🙂