On the terrorism of stories 31 Dec 2009 That purveyor of stories that scare and delight us, CNN, hosts a thoughtful column by Bruce Schneier, in which he points out that the so-called security at airports in the light of terrorism, is really just about telling comforting stories. The money quote: Despite fearful rhetoric to the contrary, terrorism is not a transcendent threat. A terrorist attack cannot possibly destroy a country’s way of life; it’s only our reaction to that attack that can do that kind of damage. The more we undermine our own laws, the more we convert our buildings into fortresses, the more we reduce the freedoms and liberties at the foundation of our societies, the more we’re doing the terrorists’ job for them. Politics
Politics Apropos today 6 Jul 2007 we do what we’re told we do what we’re told we do what we’re told told to do one doubt one voice one war one truth one dream Peter Gabriel, So, “Milgram’s 37 (we do what we’re told)” Read More
Evolution On the “Darwin Year” 1 Jul 2008 Readers may be somewhat surprised that Evolving Thoughts hasn’t made much of the Darwin bicentennial and the Origin sesquicentennial so far. Well, I haven’t needed to, given the number of other folk making hay from this. In particular I recommend Carl Zimmer’s piece, over at his new digs with Discover… Read More
Censorship On fear and risk 31 Jan 2010 I haven’t had a rant/sermon in a while. My parents’ generation went through the second world war, fighting tyrants and ideologies that sought to control our everyday lives; for which reason they are sometimes called “the best generation”. Their parents’ generation fought world war one and went through the Depression…. Read More
Bruce Schneier takes the cool-headed long-term view of security. Always sees it as a trade-off, not as an absolute. His most memorable aphorism is that a security system should “fail gracefully,” because no security system can ever be fail-safe.