On tattoos in Latin 29 Jan 2010 This is why I haven’t yet acted on my desire to have Linnaeus’ definition of Homo tattooed on my chest (that, and you’d never see the thing under all that fur)… “Quia ursus pusilli ingenii sum verba difficilia fastidio” Humor
Administrative Competition: copy of my species book 4 Oct 201127 Oct 2011 My book Species: A History of the Idea is soon to be available in paperback. I have a few copies I’d like to share, so put your name in the comments and make sure your email is filled out (it doesn’t get shown publicly) and I will roll some virtual… Read More
It took me until I was 40 to get my ears pierced, so maybe I will get a tattoo when I’m 80. If I don’t use my chemical avatar, my quote of choice would likely be the dog-latin “sic biscuitus disintegrat”.
Ive managed to avoid getting Horrace’s line Cum prorepserunt primis animalia terris Mutum et turpe pecus. So far. But after looking at the pics. I think I can resist such a thought any further or just go for half man half biscuit on my forehead instead.
hmmm. so I can use my extensive grasp of terrible pig latin to arrive at demi buccellum demi homo if I want to impress and still keep the original sense of a dense well baked product.