Evolution Size matters 13 Jan 201213 Jan 2012 As always, click on the image to go see the entire Tony Piro goodness Read More
Accommodationism Accommodating Science: What is the problem? 20 Feb 201423 Feb 2014 [As I write the first draft of my accommodationism book, I will post chapters here under the Category “Accommodationism”. Here is the latest – which comes before Undefining Religion] The religion-versus-science debate took a special turn in the West because of the existence not only of doctrinal religion but of… Read More
Creationism and Intelligent Design Expelled producer admits lying to atheist interviewees 4 Jan 2009 Well, he admits that it was a theist diatribe from the beginning, and not the even handed interaction between science and faith doco he told Richard Dawkins and PZ Myers among others. Always nice to find out that those who assert that only with faith in God can we have… Read More
Just one of many great perhaps. Though the idea that you could account for purposefully, supernaturally, directed miraculous events with statistic analysis, designed to account for the normal occurrences within the natural universe, is kind of peculiar.