Of course I am 6 Mar 2010 I am: Isaac Asimov One of the most prolific writers in history, on any imaginable subject. Cared little for art but created lasting and memorable tales. Which science fiction writer are you? Humor
Administrative More roundup 15 Sep 2008 Mohan Matthen, a philosopher of biology, has a very nice takedown of Thomas Nagel’s qualified support for teaching creationism on his blog. Hat tip Leiter. Richard Losick has an excellent piece on the problems of using cultured lab strains when studying microbes, at Small Things Considered. A new blog on… Read More
Epistemology It’s just the question mark I have to bear 2 Aug 200922 Jun 2018 We agnostics do this every Spring solstice equinox. Below the fold, from the now-defunct and much missed Chaser’s War on Everything, how far those who believe the Bible is literally true will go. NSFW language… Read More
I am: Olaf Stapledon Standing outside the science fiction “field”, he wrote fictional explorations of the futures of whole species and galaxies. Which science fiction writer are you?
First eve SF novel I read, at 8, was Stapledon’s First and Last Men, very much in the Wellsian tradition. His Sirius remains a favourite.
Hal Clement – who I have not read as far as I can remember although, when it comes to SF, I prefer the hard stuff.
Well, that’s weird. I just retook the quiz, and I’m not aware of answering anything differently, but suddenly I’m some dude known as “John Brunner.” Apparently, he writes science fiction. This is what I get for deciding, circa 1982, that I didn’t have time to read Snow Crash. Which is why, for me, SF ended in the late 70s.
This is what I get for deciding, circa 1982, that I didn’t have time to read Snow Crash. Which is why, for me, SF ended in the late 70s. Brunner is one of the 60s greats. If you haven’t read Stand on Zanzibar (1969) then you should. Brunner also invented the ‘Internet worm’ before the Internet even existed!
Hal Clement, also never heard of him. Now, if I were to read him, would I like him? Would it imply self-love if I did ?
I’m Asimov as well. Fine by me, he’s perhaps not my favorite SF writer, but he’s probably the one I admire the most.
Gregory Benford. The irony was I just pulled Heart of the Comet (Benford/Brin) out of a storage box for re-reading…
William Gibson, which makes no sense. Did we take the same poll? John, did you notice me wearing a shirt that says Cyberpunk? Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have said that I am the opposite sex; I just liked the answer.
I thought I was the opposite sex. Oh well… Yes, when I first met you I immediately thought to myself, “Cyberpunk”. A clear child of the 70s (2070s, that is)…