Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must sing, badly 12 Dec 2009 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57PWqFowq-4] Humor
Humor Avatar plotline 17 Jan 2010 is best summed up as Dances with Smurfahontas in Fern Gully For example… And now, the Metacontextual Edition (warning! Major plot spoilers, and I mean that in the most literal way). Read More
Humor Marcel Marceau passes away, quietly 23 Sep 2007 It is unclear if he had any last words. Read More
Humor The news just keeps getting better 10 Jun 2009 After learning that we can fly if we just put our minds to it, now comes news that Futurama is back! Must have something to do with Fox realising that in order to get audience, you can’t just bash the single most popular president since Grover Cleveland. Late note: I… Read More
Elizabeth Lutyens set parts of the Tractatus for choir, and it was recorded commercially. Sadly no longer available.
Who said German philosophers don’t have a sense of humour, eh? Numminen is a Finnish jazz musician and Wittgenstein was an Austrian so what’s with the German?
MA Numminen is legend here in Finland. Sings humour, and is famous for childrenprogram, “Gommi & Pommi”. Before he had some problems becouse there are (in couple decades ago) strict attitude. And Numminen sing a song which is only a long quote on sexual healthbook. Polices were involved. Numminen songs other quotesongs too, like “Jenkka hevosenpuhdistamisesta”. That was army’s book from the times we still have “riding soldiers”. In there polices are not involvede.
Numinnen’s ‘Tractatus Suite’ was composed in 1966 and released on record in 1989. It was re-released on CD in 2003 on the German ‘2001’ mail order record label as “M.A. Numinnen Sings Wittgenstein” and is currently available from ‘2001’ for €3.99!
In 60’s Numminen song (also made record) of Finnish law (1928 version), dirtiest parts of it (about sexual crimes). Finnish public radio censored it. How do we know law if we are not allowed to even hear it? He succeeded to show hypocrite of our society. I didn’t know this myself but he told it in tv-show couple year ago. Immediately I got and idea.. Someone should sing dirtiest parts of Bible and Wedge in ahead of either church or ID-creationist conference 😉