New Philosophy of Biology Forum 26 Jun 20074 Oct 2017 Run by Matt Haber at Utah, it’s a forum for discussions of work in progress, student matters like employment, tech issues and biology and society topics, to mention only a few. It’s in alpha form now, but expect it to grow. The sidebar blurb is this: Thank you for visiting the Philsophy of Biology Cafe. Our forums are currently under construction and are in ALPHA testing stages. This forum is a place to come, sit down, and have a hearty swig of the many topics concerning philosophy and biology. We try to keep things in a coffee-house theme (in case you didn’t notice) so if you have any concerns, please contact one of our baristas (moderators). We expect our forums to be ready for Beta testing by the beginning of June and we expect the forums to be fully operational by the end of July Please feel free to post, and thanks for stopping by Via Rob Skipper’s hpb etc. Evolution General Science Logic and philosophy Species and systematics
Cognition How not to give a keynote 6 Jul 201222 Jun 2018 So we finally managed to get things going for the Poland keynote. It took over half an hour to get the sound working, after a fashion, and the connection was blocky at best. The hardest part was that I kept trying to hear what people were saying at the other… Read More
Epistemology God and evolution 3: The problem of purpose A 13 Apr 201322 Jun 2018 The problem of purpose When Darwin published the Origin, he was lauded by his Christian friend and correspondent Asa Gray, who wrote: “…Darwin’s great service to Natural Science in bringing back to it Teleology: so that instead of Morphology versus Teleology, we shall have Morphology wedded to Teleology” Darwin replied… Read More
Ethics and Moral Philosophy Morality and evolution 4: Is morality fitness-enhancing? 19 May 201422 May 2014 [Morality and Evolution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] If we agree that morality enhances fitness, because it enables cooperation, several questions arise: what sort of fitness enhancement does it provide and to what? In short, what is the selection process tracking? To say that morality provides a foundation for social cohesion and the consequent… Read More