My species article online at RNCSE 19 Dec 2007 A little while back I published an article on species concepts in Reports of the National Center for Science Education, and I just discovered that it is available on the web. This is actually abetter format than the published version, which has weird columns and layout. The citation is Wilkins, John S. 2006. Species, Kinds, and Evolution. Reports of the National Center for Science Education 26 (4): 36-45. Evolution Species and systematics
Biology Zimmer’s evolving blog post on X-woman 28 Mar 2010 Carl Zimmer has a continually updated blog post on the mtDNA of “X-Woman”, which is being informed by his readers and experts. It’s a useful antidote to hasty and inaccurate reportage in the MSM, done well by a very good journalist. Read More
Evolution Scientists as historians 11 Sep 200818 Sep 2017 I’m supposed to be marking essays, but the reaction to Thony’s recent guest articles has triggered in me a conditioned reflex: the uses and abuses of history by scientists. Read More
Epistemology Sewall Wright on emergence 5 Dec 2009 I came across this passage while looking at the philosophical problem of emergent properties (which I think are purely epistemic). I thought it would be good to put up here… Read More
You were trying to explain some of this to me in NYC back in ’05, but I think I must have completely missed your point. I was also surprised that Linneus—who produced all the evidence for common descent—was a fixed-species creationist. I knew he had once questioningly (mistakenly?) referred to a plant variety as “a daughter of time” but I suppose that must have been late in life. I can use some of this, thanks.