McCarthy and the autism demon 27 Feb 2010 Jenny McCarthy has long campaigned against vaccination because her son “acquired” autism after being immunised, and lost the ability to speak. She has since claimed that she has managed to give him (non-medically recognised) therapy that has improved his abilities. She has convinced many credulous people of this. Except, it turns out, her son may not have had autism after all, but a neurological disease called Landau-Kleffner Syndrome, which, you guessed, sufferers improve as they age – it appears to be a developmental problem of neurological maturation. As this site says: “Most children outgrow the seizures, and electrical brain activity on the EEG usually returns to normal by age 15.” In other words, the entire basis for her campaign was false. She doesn’t appear to be apologetic for the thousands if not tens of thousands of children who have suffered and died as a result of her campaign, though… [H/T Bora Zivkovic] Politics Pop culture Science
Administrative Your favourite Australian science blogger 22 Jun 2010 National Science Week 2010 is an Australian government initiative, and they’re holding a “nominate your favourite Australian Science Blogger” comp at The Big Blog Theory. Now I would never tell anyone who to nominate, but get over there are mention someone. I don’t know, maybe Ian Musgrave’s Astroblog, or Chris… Read More
Philosophy Focus on the “how”, not the “why” 12 Aug 2009 [youtube=] Read More
Politics Competition for public funds 26 May 201126 May 2011 Ever wondered why education, research, health care and public infrastructure is being wound back across the western world? This chart, from here, on the American debt, suggests why: In the competition between various calls on the public purse, it looks like the military and the plutocracy have won out. We… Read More
Until I noticed the h/t to Bora, I wondered why you were reading “Hollywood Life.” I also noticed that our friends from Autism Speaks have flooded the comments there. JB Handley must have bots out there .