Kid’s resource for species 9 Aug 2008 Kids Research Express has a pretty good summary of the issue of species and speciation, which it wouldn’t hurt most people to read. Sure, they repeat the mistake about Plato and typology, but that’s OK. It’s for kids and nonspecialists. We can fix up their errors later when they get the basics. Evolution Species and systematics
Evolution Stein is right: Darwinism causes antisemitism 1 Apr 20084 Oct 2017 I have yet to see the film Expelled, because it hasn’t come to Australia yet, but I have become absolutely convinced that Ben Stein is correct. Darwinism causes antisemitism. I have therefore conveniently listed all the cases known of this below the fold. I’ll stick with those in which Jews… Read More
Evolution Lateral transfer of genes across the evolutionary tree 18 Jul 2007 In recent years it has becoming increasingly obvious that there is a considerable amount of lateral, or cross phylogenetic, transfer of genetic material. In bacteria, this happens by several mechanisms, such as uptake of gene fragments from cells that have disintegrated, or by mechanisms such as conjugation (“bacterial sex”). Sometimes… Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity Some great actual biology posts 21 Apr 2008 I just wanted to give you all a heads up to a couple of wonderful blogs: Tetrapod Zoology’s post on the lost lynxes and wildcats of Britain, and Catalogue of Organism’s post on spiders that lose their lungs. It’s things like these posts that make me wish I had been… Read More
John, are saying that we can teach our children scientific mistakes? Are you making an argument for Framing Science?:)
Who is the target audience? The piece struck me as being written in a fairly dense style, using more vocabulary than necessary, and not reading well. Nothing wrong with making new paragraphs for new subjects.