Irony is alive 20 Mar 2008 PZ Mydfgsers tried to see Expelled, Ben Stein’s silly film about ID. He was asked to leave by some uniformed guard or policeman, as the producers had him on a Watch List or something. They let his family, and guest in, though. The guest was Richard Dawkins… Uncategorized
Uncategorized Last century’s best philosopher? 1 Mar 2009 Brian Leiter has asked who that was in the train of the New York Times declaring that it was Wittgenstein.So far, Russell is leading. Russell? My goodness, he was important but hardly the best – most read more than best, I suspect. Moore was better than Russell. As to the… Read More
Uncategorized I can’t handle the Truth 23 Nov 2008 Siris has a nice short post on the use of “truth” in discourse: This appeal to truth is incantatory: it is not an argument but a rhetorical ploy that usually involves a false dichotomy. By ritually displaying one’s ‘interest in the truth’ in contrast with someone else’s interest in something… Read More
Uncategorized The narratives of science journalism 14 Sep 2008 It occurs to me that I don’t have a good list of these, so I invite you all to list and name your favourite science journalism narratives. You know, the sorts of things that journalists must squeeze every science story into, no matter what the actual content. Journalists in general… Read More
Is this real life reflecting usenet? No, it can’t be, even McNameless isn’t this funny. I sure hope PZ and Dawkins stay up late tonight to blog about this.
Is this real life reflecting usenet? No, it can’t be, even McNameless isn’t this funny. I sure hope PZ and Dawkins stay up late tonight to blog about this.
You can’t buy that kind of publicity. Okay, you can, but not too many people would have thought of it. Scared the cat funny.
You can’t buy that kind of publicity. Okay, you can, but not too many people would have thought of it. Scared the cat funny.
Now, John, if only PZed had asked you to fill out his application form for him, this would never have happened.
Now, John, if only PZed had asked you to fill out his application form for him, this would never have happened.
Now, John, if only PZed had asked you to fill out his application form for him, this would never have happened.
Now, John, if only PZed had asked you to fill out his application form for him, this would never have happened.
Now, John, if only PZed had asked you to fill out his application form for him, this would never have happened.
Will Myrrh now have a Leather Jacket with “Better Known Than Dawkins” on the back :o) Does seem a bit strange to ban one of the players in a film from seeing it, especially as he had booked online using his real name.
Will Myrrh now have a Leather Jacket with “Better Known Than Dawkins” on the back :o) Does seem a bit strange to ban one of the players in a film from seeing it, especially as he had booked online using his real name.
Will Myrrh now have a Leather Jacket with “Better Known Than Dawkins” on the back :o) Does seem a bit strange to ban one of the players in a film from seeing it, especially as he had booked online using his real name.
Will Myrrh now have a Leather Jacket with “Better Known Than Dawkins” on the back :o) Does seem a bit strange to ban one of the players in a film from seeing it, especially as he had booked online using his real name.
Will Myrrh now have a Leather Jacket with “Better Known Than Dawkins” on the back :o) Does seem a bit strange to ban one of the players in a film from seeing it, especially as he had booked online using his real name.
I think the resulting Buzz in the Blogosphere will net (no pun intended) the Expelled! IDiots more paying patrons for their film, i.e. the outcome of this blogolalia will be to Win Ben Stein More Money. Hope I’m wrong, though…hate to see IDiots win anything.
Irony is alive …and it’s 7 feet tall, 400 lbs., and is only afraid of fire. seriously, last night was the Frankenstein of irony. I have a hangover this morning from imbibing too much of it. I think I may have contracted type II diabetes, it was so sweet.
This episode probably has long legs. We baby eating atheists can assure its longevity by not making pointing out obvious characterizations and cartoon posturing but by making valid examples. For example it may be to our advantage to back off mentioning the duplicity angle concerning how the ID crowd perceives us. To wit: as they “Forgive our trespasses as we for give those against us.” As humorous as all of this is, please keep your “eyes on the prize” and minister to them with the undeniable force of our love for them (Without Invisible Supernatural Spooks’ Confirmation, or WISSC.) For it is certain that as much as they claim to love us (amid their irrational protestations concerning our base nature, our apostasy, our intemperance and our doubt) we probably love them more. The proof being in works, not words. It is improbable, but nice to think about, anyway, that WISSC could provide a fulcrum, a bending point, a pivot or hinge (take your pick) between the faithful and the doubters.
This episode probably has long legs. We baby eating atheists can assure its longevity by not making pointing out obvious characterizations and cartoon posturing but by making valid examples. For example it may be to our advantage to back off mentioning the duplicity angle concerning how the ID crowd perceives us. To wit: as they “Forgive our trespasses as we for give those against us.” As humorous as all of this is, please keep your “eyes on the prize” and minister to them with the undeniable force of our love for them (Without Invisible Supernatural Spooks’ Confirmation, or WISSC.) For it is certain that as much as they claim to love us (amid their irrational protestations concerning our base nature, our apostasy, our intemperance and our doubt) we probably love them more. The proof being in works, not words. It is improbable, but nice to think about, anyway, that WISSC could provide a fulcrum, a bending point, a pivot or hinge (take your pick) between the faithful and the doubters.
This episode probably has long legs. We baby eating atheists can assure its longevity by not making pointing out obvious characterizations and cartoon posturing but by making valid examples. For example it may be to our advantage to back off mentioning the duplicity angle concerning how the ID crowd perceives us. To wit: as they “Forgive our trespasses as we for give those against us.” As humorous as all of this is, please keep your “eyes on the prize” and minister to them with the undeniable force of our love for them (Without Invisible Supernatural Spooks’ Confirmation, or WISSC.) For it is certain that as much as they claim to love us (amid their irrational protestations concerning our base nature, our apostasy, our intemperance and our doubt) we probably love them more. The proof being in works, not words. It is improbable, but nice to think about, anyway, that WISSC could provide a fulcrum, a bending point, a pivot or hinge (take your pick) between the faithful and the doubters.
I should mention that I was washed in the Blood of the Blessed Saviour at some unfortunate point in my life. (Read: Young and Dumb.) I then aged and got educated. (Read: Young but much more curious about this shit.) After that I attained this measure of success: Older, more educated, still curious but much harder to fool. And free of beliefs in Spooks. Why is such a natural progression not more common in the general population? I am certainly not that special.
Wait until they start suggesting that PZ was throwing rocks at armed troops while dressed in a saffron robe…
Wait until they start suggesting that PZ was throwing rocks at armed troops while dressed in a saffron robe…
You would think that a guy in Fresno wouldn’t have anything to add to this, but, as Bill Nye liked to say, “please consider the following.”