Evolution God and evolution 4: The problem of Purpose B 19 Apr 201323 Jun 2018 Providence and plans The problem for theists is that most theisms assume that God has a plan. This is sometimes called providence: God provides for goals he has, for the benefit of the organisms, and in particular for humans, and for the achievement of his purposes. As soon as Darwin… Continue Reading
Uncategorized On epigenetics 6 Apr 2009 Here is an interesting discussion of a recent paper on the operational and theoretical definitions of “epigenetics”. This term – which has a deep history, well before genetics – is interpreted in every manner from inherited histone patterns on chromosomes to parental investment and extrasomatic inheritance. The authors of the… Continue Reading
Uncategorized Philosophy of Biology workshop at Madison in 2010 5 Apr 2009 I received this via Channels: Dear Philosophers of Biology, You’ll be interested in the first biennial “Philosophy of Biology @ Madison” workshop/conference that we’ll be hosting in Madison a year from May. It’s a ways off, but note that submitted abstracts are due earlier than you might think: September. This… Continue Reading
Uncategorized Yet Another Philosophy of Science Blog… 19 Mar 2009 But this one’s going to be huge. The Sydney Centre for the Foundations of Science has a new group blog. [How do I know? I set it up.] It will act as a clearing house for events and ideas at what has become a very large concentration of HPS types… Continue Reading
Uncategorized Marjorie Grene dies 17 Mar 200918 Sep 2017 Marjorie Grene was a doyen of philosophy and history of biology, and I reviewed one of her last texts a while back and linked to an interview. She died yesterday, according to Leiter, aged 99. Continue Reading
Uncategorized Last century’s best philosopher? 1 Mar 2009 Brian Leiter has asked who that was in the train of the New York Times declaring that it was Wittgenstein.So far, Russell is leading. Russell? My goodness, he was important but hardly the best – most read more than best, I suspect. Moore was better than Russell. As to the… Continue Reading
Uncategorized Amazing new philosophy resource 30 Jan 2009 David Chalmers and his student David Bourget at the Australian National University have developed a new resource: PhilPapers. This is a hot list to online versions of (so far) over 188,000 items in current philosophy. I checked my own papers and they were all there (something Thompson International seems unable… Continue Reading
Uncategorized What is philosophy? 16 Dec 2008 Below the fold is a video produced by the Australasian Association of Philosophy back in the 1990s. The talking head is, I think, Graeme Graham Priest. Continue Reading
Uncategorized I can’t handle the Truth 23 Nov 2008 Siris has a nice short post on the use of “truth” in discourse: This appeal to truth is incantatory: it is not an argument but a rhetorical ploy that usually involves a false dichotomy. By ritually displaying one’s ‘interest in the truth’ in contrast with someone else’s interest in something… Continue Reading
Uncategorized Body of Copernicus found 20 Nov 200818 Sep 2017 The body of the man who started off the modern scientific revolution in the 16th century, Nicholas Copernicus, has been found and his face reconstructed. Continue Reading