I’m about to give a keynote… in Poland 4 Jul 20124 Jul 2012 This is a brave new world. I’m about to give a keynote address to the Naturalizing Religion conference in Kazimierz Dolny in Poland. Or I would be if their internet hadn’t just died completely. Stay tuned for further news of the way things go wrong at the very last moment (people were filing into the room!). I think the gods haven’t forgiven me for disbelieving. I should add: I’m in Wollongong Australia. But it’s no go today. The entire town’s internet just died. I swear it wasn’t me. Epistemology Philosophy Religion
Evolution Darwinism results 5 May 20145 May 2014 Here are the results of the survey. Since we had such a small response size (n=104) I do not know what can be taken from this. The results were pretty much as I expected – Selection is the main, but not only, key idea of Darwinism, a substantial minority think… Read More
Religion The different epistemologies of science and religion 7 Apr 2008 While it’s always nice to see a scientists step up to argue that intelligent design or creationism ought not to be taught as science because they aren’t science, this worries me somewhat: Scientists have failed to explain the limits of science, Peshkin said. Science deals in what can be observed… Read More
Freedom Phobosophy 14 Aug 201714 Aug 2017 As everyone knows, philosophy comes from the two Greek words philo and sophos, and means, roughly, the love of wisdom, although as everyone also knows, Socrates declared his wisdom was his knowledge that he knew nothing. In recent years (by which I mean increasingly since the 1970s), there has been… Read More
That’s hilarious. I’ve spent a fair bit of time in Poland, and the internet dies quite a lot, along with many other technologies. They are trying so hard to shake that “backwards Eastern European” image, and I love them for it, but the results are mixed at best. For example, when my vehicle broke down, my Polish mechanic tried to fix it by jamming cardboard into the engine, which proceeded to catch on fire. True story.
Well, I’ve got more bad news. PZ has declared you a “kind” of atheist (shades of Henry Morris!). http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2012/07/04/what-kind-of-atheist-are-you/