Holiday greetings 9 Apr 2009 It’s that time of year, so Happy Spring Festival, Zombie Vampire Death and Raising Weekend, and Escape That Didn’t Happen Celebration… [I know, I know, don’t blog drunk…] Humor Religion
Ecology and Biodiversity Trashcan: hobs and goblins 10 Dec 2008 I’ve been travelling a little to organise my move to Sydney. Love the building, the department, the people and the project. Not sure about Sydney… so anyway, nothing of substance from me for a while. Here’s a lovely little essay about Newton pissing off most of the European intellectual giants… Read More
Creationism and Intelligent Design John Ray 3 May 20193 May 2019 This has been submitted as an entry in the Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, and it is offered here for your delectation and delight… Title of entry: John Ray Synonyms: John Wray; Joanne Raio, Joannis Raii [Lat.] Life John Ray (1627/8–1705, known as Wray until 1670) was an English clergyman… Read More
I have been thinking about an appropriate Zombie Jesus candy, but the only think I can come up with is a Cadbury Cream Brain.
I have been thinking about an appropriate Zombie Jesus candy, but the only think I can come up with is a Cadbury Cream Brain.
If you’re talking about raising the dead, you’re about a month too early. The new Star Trek movie doesn’t open until May 8th. WOOHOO!
If you’re talking about raising the dead, you’re about a month too early. The new Star Trek movie doesn’t open until May 8th. WOOHOO!