Green scripts, and spam 16 Sep 20094 Oct 2017 First see here, then see here. Oops: HT: Richard Grant. Humor
Humor The Simpsons on taxonomy 18 Mar 2009 Homer: “Oh, I just love it here! So many things, and so many things of each thing!” From here (go look!) via here. Read More
Humor Australia, and how to survive it 21 Jan 2009 Linked in the comments of the latest Australian-bashing by that cold bastard in Minnesota, comes this piece by Douglas Adams Jeremy Lee on how dangerous Australia is. I want all you foreigners to read it in case you ever decide to move here and raise the rental princes. I’ve reformatted… Read More
It gets freakin’ ridiculous at times for me even though I clearly tell people I don’t claim to be a professional writer (I only have earned $11 from adsense for my blog.) When people ask me what I do for a hobby, and I tell them that I noodle with blogging, they immediately launch into full outline of the book idea that they have been working on for years. They want me to tell me all the niggling details on a smoke break. I have one buddy at work who has a four-book series plotted out, and I ask him if he practices writing each day just to get the craft down. He doesn’t. I’ve invited him to guest blog at Quiche Moraine. He doesn’t think it is all that important just to write. And that is what Olson is referring to when he says people don’t want to write, they just want to sell a story. It might be a good story, but nobody is going to just “read it,” and buy it if it isn’t well-written. And how do you get your name on the credits? Practice, practice, practice.
I should clarify something in case Brian reads this. Getting a preliminary draft of a chapter of Brian Switek’s book on evolution was a welcome treat and I highly enjoyed reading it.