GetUp! gets up with ISP Filtering 26 Nov 2008 GetUp! is an excellent organisation that has been attacking the draconian laws of the “war” on terror, antigay laws, and so on. They now have a petition against ISP filtering. Go for it… Hat tip Samuel Douglas Censorship Internet filtering Politics Technology
Creationism and Intelligent Design Repost: What actually *is* design? 18 Feb 201118 Sep 2017 This is a repost from my old site, with corrections. I will be back properly online next week, I hope. I’ve been wondering of late what it is that is explained when something is called “designed”. Read More
History Bastardising history in the service of dogma 11 Jun 2008 History is one of those things that the venal mine to serve their special interests, with no concern for truth or accuracy. But it takes real stupid to say this: Contrary to popular belief, as historian David Barton points out, the theory of evolution was around long before Charles Darwin…. Read More
Humor The weekend in crazy 23 Aug 2009 See the One Hour Parking Show. And the Washington Post… Read More
Well, if I can’t petition the Aussie gov. against this measure, then at least know that this “Xeno” is phobic on censorship. Good luck on keeping this threat at bay. It’s rather illustrative that the 1996 efforts in the U.S. Congress to promote filtering turned into a weird boondoggle for services such as “netnanny” and “cybercop” that afforded no protection but cost plenty. And I wonder how many people installed such services only to find that a:) their kids were smarter than they were and circumvented the serviced and b:) the adults grew impatient at having to take the extra step to “Approve” even regular sites with “bad words” occasionally sprinkled. Librarians in Minnesota fought efforts by the Republican legislature to require installation of “third-party” blocking software because, as they argued, their research showed that too many educational sites were being blocked. For their efforts, cultural “conservatives” labeled them “smut purveyors.”
It looks like the Greens will block it in the Senate. It seems Krudd hasn’t offered them a big enough carrot. Hopefully there is no carrot big enough to make them change their minds.,25642,24703499-5014239,00.html
Thanks for the link. I have signed it. Hopefully this filtering will die a very, very quick death and the government can get back to more important matters like Julia Gillard’s hair.