Georgia Lee 19 Apr 2009 I don’t know if I’ll be able to post while I’m en route, so here’s a song to listen to while I’m gone, by the great Tom Waits. [youtube=] Administrative
Administrative Open Lab 08 28 Sep 2008 I note with alarums that nobody has nominated any of my posts for the forthcoming Open Laboratory 2008 book that Bora and others are preparing. Maybe my quality has dropped, but if you think there’s one worth including, do nominate it using the button at the bottom left. Read More
Administrative Happenings 21 Jan 2008 So, I just found out that I’m teaching this semester, which is a comfort (money will come in, and we can eat) and a pain (I am going to Arizona in March, so we will have to sort out some guest lectures or something). The subject is philosophy of the… Read More
Administrative A busy fortnight 9 Dec 201122 Jun 2018 So, I have been rather active for the last fortnight (that’s two weeks for Americans). I visited Canberra to work on a species concept paper with a colleague, Brent Mishler. I attended a philosophy of biology workshop in Bundanoon, a sleepy little town outside Sydney. I got a love kiss… Read More
I got into Tom Waits about the same time as I got into Kate Bush (lost interest in her later). A friend of mine couldn’t get into Tom. I explained it thus: Kate is all about “Isn’t the light refracting through the beveled glass in the breakfast nook in the morning a sign of how beautiful life is?” Tom is more “Life is beautiful, as seen in the rainbows that appear in the oily water in the gutter as you wake up from passing out the night before”. Either way, life IS beautiful.
I got into Tom Waits about the same time as I got into Kate Bush (lost interest in her later). A friend of mine couldn’t get into Tom. I explained it thus: Kate is all about “Isn’t the light refracting through the beveled glass in the breakfast nook in the morning a sign of how beautiful life is?” Tom is more “Life is beautiful, as seen in the rainbows that appear in the oily water in the gutter as you wake up from passing out the night before”. Either way, life IS beautiful.