Ethics and Moral Philosophy Philosophy hand signals 20 Mar 201122 Jun 2018 Courtesy of Brian Leiter, the APA Philosophy Referee Handsignals. I now want someone to make these into semaphore format. And for Sam Harris: Read More
Humor Terminological exaptitude 19 May 201119 May 2011 Lately, advocates of experimental philosophy have been calling it X-Phi. What with connotations of Mulder and Scully, that’s rather cool. Then, I saw a site on mathematical philosophy call itself M-Phi. So it follows that what I do, the philosophy of science, has to be called Sci-Phi… What do we… Read More
Humor Dyspepsia and swallowing crap 2 Dec 2007 The Institute for Intellectual Disco Dancing has spun its recent debacle at Minnesota thus: The dyspeptic and ad hominem blogger/biologist Dr. P.Z. Myers was there and brought a Darwinist claque. Note that in passing it is not a fallacy to be ad hominem if the point is relevant to the… Read More
Being a single Swedish male, that’s very valuable information to get from a Swedish (I presume, though I suppose Denmark and Norway are other possible candidates for your nationality) female! 🙂