History The meaning of Christmas 22 Dec 201122 Jun 2018 Tony Piro creatively borrows from Peanuts. Click on the picture to see the full comic. Tony has Linus give a fairly standard view, that Christmas is based on prior religious traditions. He carefully avoids making Linus repeat the “Christmas is the birthdate of [insert deity or religious figure]” view, which… Read More
Pop culture Pullman says Jesus isn’t God. Film at 11 9 Sep 2009 Philip Pullman, the author of the His Dark Materials trilogy, has a book coming out that asserts Jesus isn’t God: The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ. It will be interesting to see how the religiosi play this, but let’s just note now that so too do the Muslims,… Read More
Australian stuff Pundit parody 4 Aug 2010 Australia doesn’t have lunatics of the calibre of the white supremacist Glenn Beck, at least, not on the media, but we have sufficient punditry to fuel a small nation all right. Idiots like Alan Jones, who incited a racial riot, and the entire news teams of the commercial TV stations…. Read More
I re-watched the episode where she says goodbye to the tenth doctor just a couple of weeks ago. Too young.
She leaves something that lives on. My 8 year old just burst into the room 20 min’s ago to excitedly remind me the new series starts tonight. I’ve watched it since I was very small so have my kids who also enjoyed the Sarah Jane spin off series Elisabeth did recently.