Pullman says Jesus isn’t God. Film at 11 9 Sep 2009 Philip Pullman, the author of the His Dark Materials trilogy, has a book coming out that asserts Jesus isn’t God: The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ. It will be interesting to see how the religiosi play this, but let’s just note now that so too do the Muslims, the Jews, the Unitarians, the Bahai, the Hindus and the Buddhists. But this will be spun as “atheists hate God”, you watch. Pop culture Religion
Humor Guards! Guards! trailer 8 Sep 2009 Will someone get Terry to employ this guy gal (but make sure there’s a proper foley and sound editor)? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhLyeVTmZGc&hl=en&fs=1&] Read More
Evolution Darwin, Atheism, and the Catholic Church 6 Mar 200918 Sep 2017 There’s been a highly publicised conference at the Vatican about evolution. There are good and sensible things being said there, and silly ones. Read More
General Science The Golden Compass – a lead ballon? 29 Dec 2007 Henry Gee reviews the Golden Compass, and comes up with largely the same conclusions I would have had I been as insightful as he. A quote: It’s a long time since I read the book, The Northern Lights, on which the film is based, so perhaps it’s a problem with… Read More
Uhh, the generalization about all atheists might but unwarranted, but I was under the impression that Pullman explicitly acknowledges his maltheistism…. Take it for what it’s worth, since I haven’t read it yet, but I’m concerned about his foray into non-fiction. I’m a big fan of his Dark Materials trilogy, but the last thing we need is another “New Atheist” offering intro-level attacks on the strawman that is fundamentalist Christianity. The rhetoric, I admit, can be quite satisfying at times, but it is ultimately shallow and counterproductive, IMO.
Actually I thought the maltheism (nice term; I’ll take it) in Pullman’s trilogy was the least interesting and most tedious part of it. I endured it so as to read the story, and because I think atheism needs to be more normalised in society in general.