Facts of Evolution: a video series for school students 16 Sep 2009 I’m not going to watch the whole series, and some of the statements may be quibble-worthy, but it looks pretty good. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrGtwyhtRwA] HT metspitzer on talk.origins Education Evolution
Evolution Scientists as historians 11 Sep 200818 Sep 2017 I’m supposed to be marking essays, but the reaction to Thony’s recent guest articles has triggered in me a conditioned reflex: the uses and abuses of history by scientists. Read More
Creationism and Intelligent Design Skewed views of science 16 Jan 2009 Larry Moran points us to the following video on what science is and why pseudoscience is not to be taught or accepted without serious evidence (which makes it science). My only comment to add is that emotional appeals are information and evidence, but they are information and evidence about the… Read More
Evolution Myth 3: Darwin was a Lamarckian 16 Feb 2009 Myth 3: Darwin was actually a Lamarckian This one is subtle. It implies that Darwin, because he lacked a Mendelian account of heredity, was not actually a “true” (or Neo-)Darwinian. The error depends on the extent of what is named as a school of thought in science and why. Read More