Evolution Tautology 1b: Butler 22 Aug 2009 So, upon further investigation I find that Samuel Butler, in his Evolution Old and New (1879) states the tautology argument clearly. Read More
Evolution God and evolution 4: The problem of Purpose B 19 Apr 201323 Jun 2018 Providence and plans The problem for theists is that most theisms assume that God has a plan. This is sometimes called providence: God provides for goals he has, for the benefit of the organisms, and in particular for humans, and for the achievement of his purposes. As soon as Darwin… Read More
Administrative Short takes 9 May 2008 So much has been happening in the world while I was giving a talk on the adaptiveness of religion in Sydney. The Platypus thing was one item I’d have blogged on if the rest of the blogosphere hadn’t beaten me to it. All I can say is that no matter… Read More
My copy of THE BOOK arrived today. Now if I’d known it was on sale already.. Given what you philosophers get up to on other threads however (NP? Lowenheim paradox?), how much will I take in, I wonder. But nothing venture… (Nothing venture, nothing win Blood is thick but water’s thin. In for a penny, in for a pound, It’s love that makes the world go round. WS Gilbert) Sorry, the second glass of wine and a liberal ingestion of red dust has strange effects…
It’s OK, I don’t do any serious metaphysics in that book. You can read it for enjoyment. I thought Sydney had just reacted to my spring cleaning.