Even more videos by Adam Ford 15 Sep 201415 Sep 2014 Adam has caught up with the remainder of his interviews with me and put them on Facebook. Once more I remind viewers this was entirely ad hoc and unrehearsed. Late note: I have now added all the videos. Many thanks to Adam. Check out his Youtube feed. Cognition Epistemology Evolution Metaphysics Philosophy Science Sermon Technology
Evolution The End of Punditry 7 Apr 2009 This is a response to David Brooks’ column in the New York Times, today: “The End of Philosophy”. Other respondees include PZ Myers, Brian Leiter, James Smith, bottumupchange, Mark Liberman, and chaospet (who does a very nice cartoon summarising many of the problems with Brooks’ column). Hume once wrote: “Reason… Read More
Evolution New Companion to Philosophy of History 20 Feb 2008 From The Blackwell Companions to Philosophy series comes A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography edited by Aviezer Tucker. It looks fascinating, especially essay 36 on Darwin… Read More
Metaphysics Thought for the day: Why is "now" now? 2 Apr 2010 I am something of an amateur block theorist (which means that I only imperfectly instantiate a spacetime worm). Actually, it means I think that the universe exists as a single unitary entity extended in however many dimensions it is, including time. It’s, as it were, a block, not a river…. Read More
Once more I remind viewers this was entirely ad hoc and unrehearsed. That’s what I particularly like about them.
These are really quite helpful primers, especially for non-philosophers interested in the topics (meaning, of course, myself for example). But the first thought that struck me when I saw the still from the first video I watched was, “Dr. John Wilkins and Bob Mould: separated at birth?”
These videos are quite good. One problem is that you’ve destroyed my image of the ancient, angry silver-back lashing out fools who dare cross his path.;)
I think you’ve found your true metier. You could do for philosophy what Bronowski did for science in The Ascent of Man. You’d need a catchier title, though. Maybe something cool and hip like iThink (if you were angling for sponsorship by Apple)