A current list of species concepts 18 Nov 201718 Nov 2017 As part of my book, I have updated the list of species concepts. Thought you lot might like this: Species conceptions Basic Convention Taxonomic species [TSC] Diagnostic Morphospecies [MSC] Genealogy Evolutionary species [ESC] [Monophyly] Phylospecies [PSC] Gene-based Genetic species [GSC] Reproductive reach Biospecies [BSC] Ecological niche Ecospecies [EcSC] Replacement concepts Operational Taxonomic Units Least Inclusive Taxonomic Units [LITU] Smallest Named and Recognised Clades [SNaRCs] Composite concepts Phylogenetic [mostly] Synapomorphic species [SySC] Internodal species [ISC] Cladospecies [CISC] Hennigian species [HSC] Phylogenetic Taxon species [PTSC] Autapomorphic species Composite Species [CpSC] Genealogical concordance species [GCC] Others General Lineage Concept [GLC] Genic species [GeSC] Genotypic cluster [GCD] Non-dimensional species [NDSC] Nothospecies [NSC] Phenospecies [PhSC] Recognition species [RSC] Reproductive competition species [RCC] Successional species [SSC] Metapopulations Cohesion species [CSC] Evolutionary significant unit [ESU] Agamospecies [ASC] Biology Science Species and systematics Species concept Systematics
Evolution Virgin births 4 Dec 2007 Forget about the season; virgin births can happen any time of year… and anywhere. So there is an Ask a Scienceblogger question about virgin births. In zoology this is called “parthenogenesis” (which means “virgin birth”), and in botany it is either called “vegetative reproduction” (think: cuttings) or “apomixis”, in which… Read More
Evolution When philosophers really embarrass themselves 13 Mar 2008 I have just sat through one of the most teeth clenchingly bad philosophy talks, given on phylogenetics by a philosopher who has never read anything sensible on phylogenetics to phylogenetic systematists. One of the last mentioned leant over to me and asked “Does this guy know anything?” I had to… Read More
Biology Zimmer's evolving blog post on X-woman 28 Mar 2010 Carl Zimmer has a continually updated blog post on the mtDNA of “X-Woman”, which is being informed by his readers and experts. It’s a useful antidote to hasty and inaccurate reportage in the MSM, done well by a very good journalist. Read More