Dissecting a flying pterothingy 26 Mar 2009 It’s true! Dinosaurs still exist. John Conway dissected a Rhamphorhyncus, and drew what he saw, here. I had “dinosaur” in the title but as Chris points out, that’s a bad error, like calling a mammal a turtle. Damn, I’m not having much luck. Not a pteranodon then… Evolution Humor Species and systematics
Ethics and Moral Philosophy Morality and evolution 2: Moral facts 1 May 201422 May 2014 [Morality and Evolution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] In a forthcoming paper, “Evolution and Moral Realism”, Kim Sterelny and Ben Fraser, of the Australian National University, have argued that there can be moral facts that evolution by selection tracks. Their argument is that moral reasoning is complex, and relies upon rapid judgements (what Daniel… Read More
Evolution Chloroplast origins 6 May 2009 Chris Taylor at Catalogue of Organisms has an absolutely stunning review of the origin of chloroplasts in eukaryotes. It’s so good I thought it was from Elio Schaechter’s blog Small Things Considered when it first popped up in my reader – higher praise there is not. Read More
Book Systematics and Biogeography blog 23 Oct 2007 The estimable Drs David Williams and Malte Ebach have started a blog on Systematics and Biogeography, which supports a recent book they haven’t sent me a free copy of yet. Expect much puncturing of pretensions and orthodoxies. Read More