Darwin conference at U Chicago 16 Apr 2009 Yes, I know there are thousands of these this year, and by October we’ll all be tired of them, but this one looks like the main game: Darwin/Chicago 2009. I am, of course, upset not to be invited to speak, but there are a few good names there to make up for my absence… Evolution History
Ecology and Biodiversity The meaning of “life” 6 Sep 2007 Carl Zimmer has one of his usually clear and precise articles on recent work on the nature of life, focussing on the work of Carol Cleland, who is at the National Astrobiology Institute, despite reduced funding for actual science by the present administration. I met Carol last year when we… Read More
Administrative Get your Evolution Carnival posts in soon! 23 Apr 201223 Apr 2012 There’s only a week left to submit to the next Carnival of Evolution hosted here! Hop to it folks, or I’ll have to link to my own posts, and nobody wants that. Read More
Evolution What Evolution Is and What It Is Not (1897) 6 Oct 2007 I found this interesting and still surprisingly modern essay by David Starr Jordan in 1897, at William Tozier’s blog, where he had scanned it from a journal called The Arena. They had some good public discussion journals at the time. So I took his scan and OCR’d and corrected it,… Read More
Probably going to fly in for this. Good groups of speakers – both scientific and non – and I’ve never actually been to Chicago (except to drive through).
Damn! Two things: – Looking at the list of speakers alone you may be fooled into thinking the conference will be held at Harvard. – Looking at the program you may wish you could be at two different places at the same time.
Damn! Two things: – Looking at the list of speakers alone you may be fooled into thinking the conference will be held at Harvard. – Looking at the program you may wish you could be at two different places at the same time.
Damn! Two things: – Looking at the list of speakers alone you may be fooled into thinking the conference will be held at Harvard. – Looking at the program you may wish you could be at two different places at the same time.
Not so great. Ruse is giving a talk: “Is Darwinism Past Its ‘Sell-by’ Date? The Challenge of Evo-Devo” I think he’s past his sell-by date.
Scott, Shubin, Futuyma, but not you? It’s all phylogeny, paleontology, ontogeny. And some guy named Kitcher talking about philosphy. Who the frak is he? He wrote his books a long time ago, so anything he has to say is so outdated.
Scott, Shubin, Futuyma, but not you? It’s all phylogeny, paleontology, ontogeny. And some guy named Kitcher talking about philosphy. Who the frak is he? He wrote his books a long time ago, so anything he has to say is so outdated.
Scott, Shubin, Futuyma, but not you? It’s all phylogeny, paleontology, ontogeny. And some guy named Kitcher talking about philosphy. Who the frak is he? He wrote his books a long time ago, so anything he has to say is so outdated.
Scott, Shubin, Futuyma, but not you? It’s all phylogeny, paleontology, ontogeny. And some guy named Kitcher talking about philosphy. Who the frak is he? He wrote his books a long time ago, so anything he has to say is so outdated.