Convention on biodiversity 7 Nov 2007 So, I was browsing through the CBD site, and idly wondered which countries have not signed on to this attempt to reduce the loss of biodiversity worldwide. The answer? Iraq Somalia Brunei The Holy See The United States of America Ecology and Biodiversity
Ecology and Biodiversity 50 words for snow 7: taxing attacks on taxa 1 Jan 2018 We should consider in each case what Question it is that is proposed, and what answer to it would, in the instance before us, be the most opposite or contrasted to the one to be examined. E.G. “You will find this doctrine in Bacon” may be contrasted, either with “You… Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity When entropy and ecology collide… 9 Nov 2008 …the albino silverback blinks once or twice, says knowingly “Yes, yes”, and sends those who do understand math to these two posts at The n-Category Café: “Entropy, Diversity and Cardinality” post 1, post 2. If I read it aright, it means that diversity is measured as the entropy of some… Read More
Biology A new philosophy and biology journal 11 Dec 2009 Massimo Pigliucci has just announced Philosophy & Theory in Biology, a new online open access journal. Its stated mission is to bring “together philosophers of science and theoretically inclined biologists to interact across disciplinary boundaries. This interaction fosters a broad conception of what it means to do “theory” in science… Read More
I think Somalia and Iraq can be forgiven, they’re kept busy by attempts to reduce local human biodiversity. ‘fess up – how surprised were you that Australia had signed? Bob
I think Somalia and Iraq can be forgiven, they’re kept busy by attempts to reduce local human biodiversity. ‘fess up – how surprised were you that Australia had signed? Bob
I think Somalia and Iraq can be forgiven, they’re kept busy by attempts to reduce local human biodiversity. ‘fess up – how surprised were you that Australia had signed? Bob
I think Somalia and Iraq can be forgiven, they’re kept busy by attempts to reduce local human biodiversity. ‘fess up – how surprised were you that Australia had signed? Bob
Very. That’s why I checked in the first place. Of course, it was 1992, before the present government was elected.
The next questions are: – how many have ratified? (Has Australia done so?) – how many have enshrined the Convention in domestic legislation? (Has Australia done so?) Signature is only the first step.