Evolution Bits and pieces 7 Jan 2009 I’m away from what serves as my computer these days for a while – off to Sydney to find a place to live. Also, the Seed Masters (whom I for one welcome) are upgrading Moveable Type from 3 to 4, so we can’t blog for a few days anyway. But… Continue Reading
trashcan categorial A poem: Aubade by Philip Larkin 4 Jan 2009 This was brought to my attention by a reader on the alt.fan.pratchett group in response to an evangeliser there. Below the fold, it really asserts how I think of death (and identifies me thus as an Epicurean). Continue Reading
Humor Terry and John 1 Jan 2009 Congratulations to Sir Terence Pratchett, or SurPterry as we shall undoubtedly come to call him (although I’m tempted to doubt it as he is the last bloke I think would ever be lost for words). But overlooked in the reports is this guy, who gets an OBE: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOi_wxypeGc&hl=en&fs=1] He’s John… Continue Reading
Ecology and Biodiversity Miscellany 23 Dec 2008 Damn it’s hot. Around here, snow is at a premium, which means our solstitial celebrations are less active than those oop north. Anyway, I got interviewed last night on national radio, the ABC’s National Evening show, talking about the early ideas of philosophy to presenter Rhys Muldoon. Nice fellow. It… Continue Reading
Ecology and Biodiversity Trashcan: hobs and goblins 10 Dec 2008 I’ve been travelling a little to organise my move to Sydney. Love the building, the department, the people and the project. Not sure about Sydney… so anyway, nothing of substance from me for a while. Here’s a lovely little essay about Newton pissing off most of the European intellectual giants… Continue Reading
Evolution Trashcan: chaotic remnants 7 Dec 2008 Siris has an interesting piece on the nature of the liberal arts. I loves me some 13th century, I does. Bora objects to Obama’s choices being characterised as “elites” and therefore bad. On the other hand, the term “groupthink” was coined to characterise the elite advisors of the first American… Continue Reading
Administrative A mild apology 29 Nov 2008 I haven’t done much philosophical blogging lately. There are Reasons. I’m preparing to move to Sydney over the next few months (and there may be a period in which I have no laptop too), and trying to catch up on a bunch of projects I have in play and which… Continue Reading
Evolution The trashcan categorial 20 Nov 2008 I’m introducing a new category – the Trashcan. This is a term used in systematics to identify a group that comprises “everything else” once you have done the identification of the real groups of some taxonomic grouping. I will be using the Trashcan to group together all and only those… Continue Reading