Terry and John 1 Jan 2009 Congratulations to Sir Terence Pratchett, or SurPterry as we shall undoubtedly come to call him (although I’m tempted to doubt it as he is the last bloke I think would ever be lost for words). But overlooked in the reports is this guy, who gets an OBE: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOi_wxypeGc&hl=en&fs=1] He’s John Martyn, BTW. Humor Sermon trashcan categorial
Humor Maurruzh in the pit of hell 30 Sep 2007 The arch-Enemy of all humanity, PZ Mocals, has posted what he no doubt thinks is a funny skit. I told him good, I did. There’s no way we can tolerate this attack of godlessness. Read More
Creationism and Intelligent Design God acts in mischieveous ways 21 Apr 2010 Hot on the heels of Rush Blowhard declaring that the Iceland volcano is God’s apocalyptic response to the healthcare bill (God, it seems, is Maxwell Smart, missing the target by this much, and hitting Europe instead of the US) comes an Iranian cleric who declares that the cause of earthquakes… Read More
Cognition Too adaptationist? 25 Aug 201225 Aug 2012 Penises can too tell the time… As always, click through. Read More
I spent about twenty years working in the music business in various different capacities, during that time I worked on, was involved in, promoted and attended a vast number of live concerts. In my memories I have a comparatively short list of those concerts that were truly transcendental and extraordinary, one of those was John Martin live at Cardiff Students Union in 1975: Awesome simply Awesome!
I spent about twenty years working in the music business in various different capacities, during that time I worked on, was involved in, promoted and attended a vast number of live concerts. In my memories I have a comparatively short list of those concerts that were truly transcendental and extraordinary, one of those was John Martin live at Cardiff Students Union in 1975: Awesome simply Awesome!