Evolution Random things 4 Jul 2007 Back from the drinking sessionconference, with many good thoughts. One in particular is due to the talk by Aiden Lyons at ANU on probability and evolution – after more than two decades trying to figure it out, I had to wait for a grad student to put it all neatly… Continue Reading
Evolution New Philosophy of Biology Forum 26 Jun 20074 Oct 2017 Run by Matt Haber at Utah, it’s a forum for discussions of work in progress, student matters like employment, tech issues and biology and society topics, to mention only a few. It’s in alpha form now, but expect it to grow. The sidebar blurb is this: Continue Reading
General Science Journalists and scientists – an antimatter explosion? 20 Jun 2007 What happens when you put journalists in contact with scientists? To hear some people tell it, it results in an antimatter-matter explosion that destroys careers and causing black holes of ignorance in the general population, particularly when the density is already great, as in political circles. Tara, from the scientists’… Continue Reading
Logic and philosophy Einstein’s Credo 13 Jun 2007 At the end of August 1932 Einstein wrote “My Credo” in Caputh. The original text was written in German. At the beginning of September he read it for a recording by order and to the benefit of the German League of Human Rights. Continue Reading
Evolution “Species” in the Stanford Encyclopedia updated 13 Jun 200724 Nov 2022 Marc Ereshfsky’s entry on “Species” in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has been updated, though not to remove the classic “Essentialism Story” that has been called into question by a number of scholars lately. Under the fold, I will quote Marc’s comments and critique them. [I can do this because… Continue Reading
Evolution The kangaroo is the first organism, but the fungus is not the biggest 12 Jun 200724 Nov 2022 So the record for the “world’s largest organism” has again been claimed for a fungus, something Stephen Jay Gould wrote about in his wonderfully titled essay “A Humongous Fungus Among Us” back in 1992, and which was included in his volume A Dinosaur in a Haystack. The previous fungus, Armillaria… Continue Reading
Humor Sunday sermon: part of the in-crowd 10 Jun 200724 Nov 2022 The world is divided, runs the old joke (which I heard when it wasn’t so old), into two kinds: those who divided the world into two kinds, and those who don’t. [There’s actually an interesting feature of the history of logic here that… never mind. Later.] We all, or very… Continue Reading
Logic and philosophy What is an Agnostic? by Bertrand Russell 10 Jun 2007 Bertrand Russell, a leading philosopher in his prime, was also a wonderful writer. And, it appears, many of my views were formed when I was but still Young in the Discipline of Philosophy by reading Russell. Here is an essay (stolen from here) from 1953, when I still was not,… Continue Reading
Logic and philosophy Rorty has died 8 Jun 200724 Nov 2022 The Leiter Report has a brief obit. Richard Rorty was a significant thinker, although I must say that what I learned from his work Philosophy and the MIrror of Nature, I had to unlearn later on. But that is the way of philosophical discussions. More from Telos, courtesy of Mixing… Continue Reading
Evolution Philosophy is to science, as ornithologists are to birds: 3. Science is a Dynamic Process 6 Jun 200724 Nov 2022 In this post, I want to propose my own view, or rather the views I have come to accept, about the nature of science. [Part 1; Part 2] Continue Reading