Administrative In England’s green and wet land 25 Jul 2007 So, I finally have access to the internet. For the past few days I’ve been either in London, on planes, trains or in Exeter, where I am now for the ISHPSSB biennial conference of philosophers and historians (and some sociologists) of science. In London I walked myself silly (getting the… Continue Reading
Administrative Wilkins en route… 19 Jul 2007 So I’m off to the Mother Country on Saturday my time. Anyone in London who wants to meet for dinner on Sunday or Monday nights, drop me an email before I fly off… Continue Reading
Administrative 8 Things meme 6 Jul 2007 People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules…. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Continue Reading
Administrative Where’s Wilkins? 26 Jun 2007 OK, so while the vandals are playing some weird game on another thread, I suppose I better tell the rest of you what’s happening. 1. I’m applying for a real job, and another postdoc. 2. I have two conference papers to prepare and deliver, and travel to and from (including… Continue Reading
Administrative There will be slight delay 21 Jun 2007 … as I attend to a bunch of administrative, career and professional duties. Please be patient. Your thoughts are important to us, and the next trained monkeyoperator will attend as soon as possible… Continue Reading
Administrative I’m [nearly] one year old 10 Jun 200724 Nov 2022 Everyone else is noting the pulse of migration to the SEED stable that occurred here a year ago. Oddly, my ecto links tell me I first posted here on the 25th of June, not the 9th, but who cares. Below the fold is my first post at Science Blogs. How’m… Continue Reading