Announcing a new book of mine 21 Nov 2009 I know, this is getting tedious, but at least I haven’t published as many books as Neil Levy… Ashgate have put up a page announcing an anthology I edited on Intelligent Design and Religion as a Natural Phenomenon. It’s due in August next year. Book Creationism and Intelligent Design Religion
Epistemology Scientists on religion 2 May 2010 This book looks interesting: empirical work on what scientists actually think about religion… according to the blurb, more than 50% are religious. I’m not sure if this should surprise anyone – most groups in a society will be largely composed of people who match the standards in their society; the… Read More
Religion God of the gaps 1 Feb 201118 Sep 2017 Phil Plait has addressed the incredible inanity of Bill O’Reilly’s comment that the tides prove God. It is, as Phil notes, a classic “God of the gaps” argument. I thought I should reprise the original source text of that criticism. It is from Henry Drummond’s book Ascent of Man in… Read More
Logic and philosophy Flew, into the Cuckoo’s Nest 3 Nov 2007 Sorry about that pun – it’s been around for a while since Antony Flew, quandam philosopher and “Darwinian”, announced he was converting to a kind of deism. Jon Pieret, who often comments on this blog when he should be writing for his own, covers the facts as far as we… Read More
Can people make requests? I request a book on Frederick II of Hohenstaufen. (I believe he was allegedly the anitchrist, but hey who isn’t.)
$247.50 plus shipping. John Pieret, maybe we should all go in for one book and take turns reading it. When someone finishes it, she sends it on to the next person on the list.
Is ID a natural phenomenon? Surely it’s intelligently designed, and so violates the SLoT every time Dembski writes a new paper.
For me, it’s just a matter of having something for you to autograph when and if we meet in person. I can’t see printing out an endless pun cascade from t.o, or a Post of the Month for you to write on.