Announcing a new book of mine 21 Nov 2009 I know, this is getting tedious, but at least I haven’t published as many books as Neil Levy… Ashgate have put up a page announcing an anthology I edited on Intelligent Design and Religion as a Natural Phenomenon. It’s due in August next year. Book Creationism and Intelligent Design Religion
Humor Wicked ways with Mormons 25 Mar 2009 At Laurie’s blog, The Critical Thinker’s Speakeasy. ‘Course, I don’t think this actually happened. My own Mormon stories are much more restrained. After 20 minutes of arguing, in which I quoted the Bible at some Mormon missionaries, one said “But the Bible is not accurate. You need the Book of… Read More
Creationism and Intelligent Design The problem of foreknowledge 28 Jun 2010 So, following on from my previous post on theism and science, let’s consider another aspect of the problem: foreknowledge. How could God know what would occur if the universe is fundamentally, by which we mean at the quantum mechanical level, indeterminate? We know from chaos theory (and chaos is determinate,… Read More
Politics Pell may be censured by Parliament 15 Jun 200718 Sep 2017 Cardinal-Imam George Pell, who threatened Catholic politicians with excommunication indirectly (and exclusion from the sacraments directly) if they voted in favour of stem cell research being permitted in a new Bill, is liable to being held in contempt of the NSW Parliament, just as his west Australian counterpart, Archbishop-Imam Hickey… Read More
Can people make requests? I request a book on Frederick II of Hohenstaufen. (I believe he was allegedly the anitchrist, but hey who isn’t.)
$247.50 plus shipping. John Pieret, maybe we should all go in for one book and take turns reading it. When someone finishes it, she sends it on to the next person on the list.
Is ID a natural phenomenon? Surely it’s intelligently designed, and so violates the SLoT every time Dembski writes a new paper.
For me, it’s just a matter of having something for you to autograph when and if we meet in person. I can’t see printing out an endless pun cascade from t.o, or a Post of the Month for you to write on.