A piece of useful software for Mac-using teachers 15 Oct 2007 I gave a lecture yesterday on animal minds, and in the course of it tried to show some YouTube videos in Keynote by linking to the pages (tool using crows, by the way, and the excerpt from Life of Birds by Attenborough on Japanese crows using stop lights to get nuts they dropped under car tyres, very cool. The students loved it). Great technical problems. Today (of course, a day late!) I came across TubeTV which downloads the Flash videos for embedding in Keynote directly. Works, is free and is very useful for when you don’t have enough material for the entire lecture. Highly recommended (as, of course, is the new Keynote from Apple: I have recovered Powerpoint presentations munged by PPT by opening them in Keynote, and it is a much better interface). Administrative
Administrative Interregnum 21 Dec 2008 Because I have to hand back my laptop to my present employer, and my future employer won’t have a Mac for me before mid-January or later, I may not be able to post much for a while. I do have access to a desktop PC, but what can one really… Read More
Administrative How to export a blog as a document 19 May 2011 Anyone got smart ideas here? I want to convert my whole blog into a formattable document, including comments, with a view to doing a book format (The Very Best of Evolving Thoughts). I want to be able to edit it, and put it through InDesign, and I want to do… Read More
Administrative Travel Diary 7 17 Oct 2009 So yesterday was a full day. I attended a talk by Tony Coady, coincidentally of my alma mater Melbourne, on whether religion is a danger. He argued, well, I thought, that it was no more a danger than any other human activity. However, one of the ways he did that… Read More
I know that this is not related to the post, but I am trying to make it easier for you to find you that you’ve been tagged by the mutating meme. http://skeptalchemist.blogspot.com/2007/10/mutating-and-dumbledore-what.html Let’s see where cyberevolution takes us.
I know that this is not related to the post, but I am trying to make it easier for you to find you that you’ve been tagged by the mutating meme. http://skeptalchemist.blogspot.com/2007/10/mutating-and-dumbledore-what.html Let’s see where cyberevolution takes us.