Some stats 14 Aug 201018 Sep 2017 It occurred to me that I don’t do a very good job of tracking the stats of the three incarnations of this blog. So here they are: Posts Hits ET 1 : 411 142,117 ET 2 @ Scienceblogs : 1,272 912,249 ET 3 : 618 tba 2,712 1,054,366 Ho. Ly. Crap. Sure, it’s not up there with PZ Mistletoe’s hegemony over the western world, but >1 million hits? Now if everyone who read a page gave me ten cents… Mind, I had to write over 2500 posts (with around 10% of those being substantive in some way). Administrative Administrative
Administrative Do you enjoy ET? 28 Aug 2010 I have spent a few hundred dollars (AUD, each worth around USD0.001) over the past few months getting access to my CSS and paying for ad-free display. If you like what I do and think it worthwhile, I’d very much appreciate any small donation you might be able to make…. Read More
Administrative What is a homology? 2 Jun 2010 No, not that kind, but the mathematical kind. I tried to read the online definitions, but they all presume other mathematical terminology and knowledge I don’t have. So can anyone explain, in words that don’t assume I have done a course in topology, what a mathematical homology is? Pretty please? Read More
Administrative Ooh, cool! 23 Apr 2009 “Few topics have engaged biologists and philosophers more than the concept of species, and arguably no idea is more important for evolutionary science. John S. Wilkins’ book combines meticulous historical and philosophical analysis and thus provides new insights on the development of this most enduring of subjects.”—Joel Cracraft, American Museum… Read More
You’ll keep it up until your contract is finished in 2012, and the whippings will continue. Why else do you think I got Grrl to go to Germany?
“if everyone who read a page gave me ten cents…” I would be up 60 cents in that case. Not sure if I would save it or just go mad and blow the lot on a spending spree.
Im torn, between being sensible and just saying what the hell and going on an all out gastritis med. spending spree. I am glad this is just a hypothetical question. It’s a tough call.
So you’re saying that you’ve posted more than twice as much in the 15 months since May 2009 than you did in the 33 months between September 2006 and May 2009. In other words, about four times the posting frequency. My first impulse was to wonder if you’d accidentally included transported blog posts.
And you are right. I need to redo the stats! [Later: Done. I need to work out how many comments at ET3 since the move.]
I’m not sure hits = pageviews. ‘Hits’ can mean objects loaded, which means five images on one page is five hits.
WordPress measures hits by means of the smiley face icon at the bottom of the page, and they’re essentially pageviews, excluding those made by the blog owner while logged in. (Incidentally, in the old days there was a bug that mucked up some of those measurements – I know because I remember reporting it – but that was long before ET moved to WordPress.)
“Now if everyone who read a page gave me ten cents…” well, your tip jar disappeared so you only have yourself to blame on that score.