A philosopher reviews a biologist on evolution 24 Mar 2009 Anthony Grayling, who does a really interesting review column in the Barnes and Noble Review, entitled “A Thinking Read”, has a piece on Jerry Coyne’s book Why Evolution is True. This saves me having to read it and review it for you myself. The column title is a pun on Blaise Pascal’s statement that “Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed”. A pun which I wish I had come up with. Book Evolution Species and systematics
Evolution Desecration, blasphemy in public, and manners 12 Jul 2008 When does a person’s religious beliefs constrain someone who is not religious? What sorts of redress can a religious person expect in a secular society? These questions arise from the recent to-do about PZ Myers defense of the stealing of a communion wafer from a Catholic church. As a result,… Read More
Book Rieppel reviews my book 24 Sep 2010 … at Metascience here. The book, of course, is my Species: A history of the idea. The concluding paragraph is this: Does Wilkins deliver on his promise? Does the ‘essentialism story’ capture the essence of the centuries old debate about ‘what is a species’? Wilkins delivers a resounding NO, and… Read More
Evolution Mill on Kinds and Types 14 Mar 200918 Sep 2017 A while back I excerpted some Whewell on classification by types. Here is John Stuart Mill disagreeing with him, and, I think, starting off the modern literature on natural kinds. Read More
The standard phrase is “You will, John, you will.” Also, Your Royal Highness is like a stream of bat’s piss.
The standard phrase is “You will, John, you will.” Also, Your Royal Highness is like a stream of bat’s piss.
The standard phrase is “You will, John, you will.” Also, Your Royal Highness is like a stream of bat’s piss.