A logical inference, or, on how to submit Carnival of Evolution posts 21 Jan 201221 Jan 2012 I could put this into standard logical form, or even argument map it, but I’m too lazy. However, since I’ll be hosting one of these soon, I should post this the way Bjørn Østman sent it to me: Carnival of Evolution only works if people submit posts. A person can only submit posts when they know they exist. The first person to know about the existence of a post is the author. When you write a blog post about evolution, submit it right away right here. The first person to know about the existence of a post is the author. A person can only submit posts when they know they exist. Carnival of Evolution only works if people submit posts. Administrative Evolution
Administrative Test post 8 Apr 2010 Nothing to see here. Move along. I’m testing some new features. Do not play Mornington Crescent in the comments. Read More
Education Well deserved honor to Genie Scott by California Academy of Sciences 12 Oct 2009 NCSE’s executive director Eugenie C. Scott will receive the Fellows’ Medal, the highest honor of the California Academy of Sciences, in a ceremony in San Francisco on October 13, 2009. read more [From Eugenie C. Scott honored by California Academy of Sciences] My congratulations to Genie… Read More
Evolution Does religion evolve? 2 Feb 2008 Here’s a comment that represents a widely held misconception about the evolution of religion: Whenever there is an discussion about religions and changes in religions someone always pulls out the argument that religions evolve. I am very sorry but I believe that applying the concept of evolution to religion is… Read More
John, your theory is correct in most circumstances, but if the author suffers from a dissociative disorder, then the author might be the last to know about the existence of his post. : -)