A logical inference, or, on how to submit Carnival of Evolution posts 21 Jan 201221 Jan 2012 I could put this into standard logical form, or even argument map it, but I’m too lazy. However, since I’ll be hosting one of these soon, I should post this the way Bjørn Østman sent it to me: Carnival of Evolution only works if people submit posts. A person can only submit posts when they know they exist. The first person to know about the existence of a post is the author. When you write a blog post about evolution, submit it right away right here. The first person to know about the existence of a post is the author. A person can only submit posts when they know they exist. Carnival of Evolution only works if people submit posts. Administrative Evolution
Administrative Australian Easter bits 9 Apr 2009 A young gorilla escaped from his enclosure at the Melbourne Zoo last night and wandered about for 20 minutes while craven visitors hid out. I would have sat and waited for him to introduce himself. And paid good money for the chance. A moron by the name of Cardinal George… Read More
Administrative Month first line meme 6 Dec 200818 Sep 2017 Bora made me do it… first line of the first post of each month the year. It doesn’t quite read like a dadaist poem. January: OK, so the next door party finished about 1.30, but the family disputes finished about 5 am, so instead of thinking, I’m going to let… Read More
Administrative Off in the wilds of… Melbourne 3 Jul 2008 Hi folks. It’s conference time again, and of course we have organised to have the Australasian Association of Philosophy/Australasian Association for the History Philosophy and Social Studies of Science (AAP/AAHPSSS) conferences in the coldest place on the mainland – my home town Melbourne, at the depths of winter. At least… Read More
John, your theory is correct in most circumstances, but if the author suffers from a dissociative disorder, then the author might be the last to know about the existence of his post. : -)