Your favourite Australian science blogger 22 Jun 2010 National Science Week 2010 is an Australian government initiative, and they’re holding a “nominate your favourite Australian Science Blogger” comp at The Big Blog Theory. Now I would never tell anyone who to nominate, but get over there are mention someone. I don’t know, maybe Ian Musgrave’s Astroblog, or Chris Nedin’s Edicaran, or Tim Lambert’s Deltoid. Or Chris Taylor’s always stunning Catalogue of Organisms. Or maybe some philosopher of science. Whoever you like. Really. I’ve never been nominated for an award, but don’t let that sway you (*sob*)… Administrative Science Administrative
Biology What counts as “unique”? 25 Nov 2009 I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what makes something unique. Since Aristotle we have described something as unique if all its properties are special to it, but I don’t like property talk because I tend to think that it biases our thinking towards linguistic problems and solutions. I don’t… Read More
Philosophy De mortuis nil nisi bonum 28 Oct 2009 Steve Fuller is crying martyr to that horrible fascist, Norman Levitt, whose terrible sin against the intellectual in the 21st century was to point out that the sort of fashionable nonsense which Fuller is so capable of is, well, nonsense. That Fuller does this in what is supposed to be… Read More
Evolution On the problem of the problem of evil and Darwin 15 Mar 2011 In yet another essay reprising his argument that theists can be good Darwinians (a position I concur with, incidentally), Michael Ruse makes the following comment, based on a book by Karl Giberson and Francis Collins, The Language of Science and Faith: Straight Answers to Genuine Questions: Where I do want… Read More
I’ve done your dirty work for you. As a reward, if you win I demand a weekly open Mornington Crescent thread.
Are you available to travel? Are great apes eligible? Is a bear Catholic? Do I know any Australian philosophers of science? Does the Pope shit in the woods? What’s in it for me?
Reminds me of The Magnificent Seven: Vin: You elected? Chris: No, I got nominated real good. Looks like you did too. Totteridge & Whetstone!