Yet another Darwin diagnosis 18 Jan 2010 Diagnosing Darwin’s maladies is something of a professional sport amongst doctors. Previously he has been diagnosed as having Chagas Disease, chronic fatigue, various viruses, and now something called cyclical vomiting syndrome. Since this “diagnosis” sounds like a simple description of the symptoms, colour me unimpressed. Evolution History
Evolution Evolution Quote 13 Jul 2010 Q. Speaking of islands, when an apelike fossil was discovered on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2003, a great controversy broke out among anthropologists. Some said this three-foot tall small- brained creature was a new species of hominid — a humanlike primate. Others claimed it was an early human… Read More
History Bastardising history in the service of dogma 11 Jun 2008 History is one of those things that the venal mine to serve their special interests, with no concern for truth or accuracy. But it takes real stupid to say this: Contrary to popular belief, as historian David Barton points out, the theory of evolution was around long before Charles Darwin…. Read More
Administrative Short takes 9 May 2008 So much has been happening in the world while I was giving a talk on the adaptiveness of religion in Sydney. The Platypus thing was one item I’d have blogged on if the rest of the blogosphere hadn’t beaten me to it. All I can say is that no matter… Read More
Whenever I see the word “syndrome” this comes to my mind and I loose all seriousness. []’s Leo