Win Apple stuff. Give it to me. 12 Aug 20084 Oct 2017 Our Seed Overlords have bling to give away. All you have to do is take a survey and they might give you an iPhone 3G, a MacBook Air and a 40GB Apple TV. Keep the Air and give me the rest if you win. Don’t tell the Overlords though. They might make me give it back. C’mon. The odds are much better than a lottery. Administrative
Administrative Test post 12 Jul 2010 WordPress and ecto are not talking to each other Okay, maybe they are, but ecto is confused and thinks it’s posting to somewhere else. Damn. I lost the folds. Read More
Administrative Lectures done! 22 Oct 2007 Today was the final lecture in my Introduction to Cognitive Science course. Thank the fates it is over. I started this having no real idea of the topic, never having taught what Americans are pleased to call “freshmen” and we call “first-years”, and with the first two lectures occurring in… Read More
Administrative I have updated my blogroll 28 Sep 2017 It was very sad to see how many of my favourite blogs and sites no longer exist, but I checked them all. If you have any blogs I should add to this list, let me know. Read More
You bastard. I responded first time, and now you’re reducing the chances of me winning. Grumpy Grumpy Grumpy
You bastard. I responded first time, and now you’re reducing the chances of me winning. Grumpy Grumpy Grumpy
You bastard. I responded first time, and now you’re reducing the chances of me winning. Grumpy Grumpy Grumpy
You bastard. I responded first time, and now you’re reducing the chances of me winning. Grumpy Grumpy Grumpy
Maybe. If it’s a iPhone, sure. I don’t need another phone. The TV… Well, you’re out of luck on that one…
Maybe. If it’s a iPhone, sure. I don’t need another phone. The TV… Well, you’re out of luck on that one…
Moses, if you give me the iPhone, then you get to co-blog here for a year… and get half the proceeds. Bling. I want bling. Toys!
Moses, if you give me the iPhone, then you get to co-blog here for a year… and get half the proceeds. Bling. I want bling. Toys!
…because it’s cool, dude! Apple is the epitome of style and intelligent design: it looks good, it’s made well, it’s simple to use and it works. PC is a bit like the products of evolution: there’s lots of stuff you can cobble together to get something that works – after a fashion – but pretty it ain’t.
…because it’s cool, dude! Apple is the epitome of style and intelligent design: it looks good, it’s made well, it’s simple to use and it works. PC is a bit like the products of evolution: there’s lots of stuff you can cobble together to get something that works – after a fashion – but pretty it ain’t.
Eat your hearts out, everyone. I’m going to win. I just hope my trusty 8-year-old G4-400 doesn’t get jealous.
Eat your hearts out, everyone. I’m going to win. I just hope my trusty 8-year-old G4-400 doesn’t get jealous.
Eat your hearts out, everyone. I’m going to win. I just hope my trusty 8-year-old G4-400 doesn’t get jealous.
Eat your hearts out, everyone. I’m going to win. I just hope my trusty 8-year-old G4-400 doesn’t get jealous.
Eat your hearts out, everyone. I’m going to win. No chance baby! That Macbook Air has got my name on it.
Eat your hearts out, everyone. I’m going to win. No chance baby! That Macbook Air has got my name on it.
Eat your hearts out, everyone. I’m going to win. No chance baby! That Macbook Air has got my name on it.