Whewell’s Ghost, a HPS blog 7 Sep 2010 In conjunction with John Lynch and Rebekah Higgit, a new blog has been launched for history and philosophy of science posts, entitled Whewell’s Ghost. Rebekah and I have kicked it off with a couple of posts. Anyone may contribute to this, on the history and philosophy of any aspect of science, including medicine, physics or even (shudder) math. All you have to do is ask to be made a contributor. You can post the entire post there, or just the opening section with a link to you own blog, or double post. It’s a clearing house so that people can find good posts on HPS. The only thing I would ask is that a certain degree of scholarship is maintained. Don’t post things you aren’t up on, because those commenters, they’re vicious! I know from bitter experience… Administrative History Philosophy Science AdministrativeHistoryPhilosophy
History The forgotten Holocaust 15 Oct 2009 This is a disturbing essay by Timothy Snyder in the New York Review of Books, republished in Eurozine. It suggests that we do not remember the entirety of the Holocaust in German and Soviet hands. [H/T 3 Quarks Daily] Read More
Philosophy Atheism, agnosticism and theism 4: Existence claims 22 Jul 201122 Jun 2018 Previous posts in this series: One, Two and Three. There are basically three kinds of philosophical questions. Given that philosophy is what you do when you have a question that can’t be resolved by facts, these are: What is there? [Metaphysics and Ontology] How do we know? [Epistemology] What is… Read More
Science Woo science kills: dowsing for bombs 26 Jan 2010 The UK government has banned the purchase of a dowsing device that is supposed to “detect” bombs in Afghanistan. Even the Afghans know this doesn’t work. [H/T Russell McPhee] Read More