What makes scientists laugh? 17 Jun 2008 Well, chickens… [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL_-1d9OSdk] HT Darren Naish Humor
Humor Heh… 17 Aug 20084 Oct 2017 Want this, from Systematic Biology on your t-shirt? Stephen Colbert wants you to, and that is enough… Hat tip Henry Simon Read More
Evolution Out of the mouths of [mental] babes 2 Jun 2008 Creationism is being pushed legislatively in Texas again. But this line is priceless, from State Board of Education vice chairman, David Bradley (yes, you guessed, a Republican): Bradley said he doesn’t foresee any successful effort to remove the “strengths and weaknesses” requirement from the science standards. “There are issues in… Read More
Administrative Another goldang meme 15 Nov 20084 Oct 2017 This one started at Nature Networks, where I am not a blogger, but as Larry and Bora have answered it, among others, I figured I’d have a go too… Read More
How many of those 68,700 were free range? It is a little hard to tell what the distribution is on the chart.
I’ve got the paper this talk is based on somewhere. I do wonder what the referee reports said, though.
I’ve got the paper this talk is based on somewhere. I do wonder what the referee reports said, though.
I’ve got the paper this talk is based on somewhere. I do wonder what the referee reports said, though.
I’ve got the paper this talk is based on somewhere. I do wonder what the referee reports said, though.
I’ve got the paper this talk is based on somewhere. I do wonder what the referee reports said, though.
If you’ll forgive the tangential OT here… I was looking for an AIR (?) article the other day, and my vague recollection was that it was mocking the kind of boilerplate “directions for further research” summary that typically closes academic papers. The text has something along the lines of “No further research on this topic should be attempted, ever.”. My google-fu is evidently weak, as I can’t find the citation. Does this ring any bells/URLs with anyone?
If you’ll forgive the tangential OT here… I was looking for an AIR (?) article the other day, and my vague recollection was that it was mocking the kind of boilerplate “directions for further research” summary that typically closes academic papers. The text has something along the lines of “No further research on this topic should be attempted, ever.”. My google-fu is evidently weak, as I can’t find the citation. Does this ring any bells/URLs with anyone?