Update on a pilgrim’s progress 21 Jan 201122 Jun 2018 Okay, well it’s more like the John Wayne sense of “pilgrim” than John Bunyan, but here I am, having gotten out of Dodge Brisbane just as the latest natural disaster hit. “Here” being the Blue Mountains outside of Sydney. Once my goods and chattels were “uplifted”, to use the quaint movers’ terms, I set out for Sin City. A Bunyan Pilgrim. Babe is nowhere to be seen. A Blue Mountain. Yes, it really does look like this. Despite some flood diversions and detours, I got here pretty much as I planned, and am staying at my friends’ Malte and Melinda’s place until I find somewhere I can afford in this city to store myself and said goods and chattels. And of course the very next day I had a dose of gastro – probably either from the norovirus infection doing the rounds in Brissie or the Subway I had in some country town. But I got over that (or rather I got that out), and the next day Kipling Will, a noted entomologist and systematist, came to stay for a day or so. We went beetling, which is not at all like buggering. Kip found some Caribidae, and was happy. I have photos of him bending over, as he rustled through the undergrowth and detritus. A man should not be that happy, bending over. In public, anyway. He’s seen more of Australia this trip than I have in my life, which is pretty impressive. For those that do not know, Texas fits happily into NSW about three times. And he drove up and down Queensland, which is bigger, NSW, South Australia and substantial and rural parts of Western Australia too. Kip Will, beetling, not buggering. And we talked, of course. Lots. About species concepts, classification and stuff whereof I know not wot (i.e., most stuff; it’s frightening to be the only philosopher in a room of scientists). There was beer. Or so I’m told – it’s all a bit hazy. I got the proof of a paper I am going to display in front of actual scientists in Zootaxa, which I corrected (some of which were of course my errors, not theirs). This is equally frightening. It’s a good thing mere facts do not affect a philosophical argument. Scientists will understand, I am sure. Right now more beetling not buggering is going on outside in the dark, but being as I am a sessile organism I decided to catch up on a little bloggery (not buggery) and reassure you all I have not succumbed to the fleshpots of NSW (what, exactly, are fleshpots, by the way? My febrile imagination is not to be trusted on this matter*). I apologise for channelling Henry Gee, but he’s like a mind virus, you know. A very large and infectious mind virus. Late note: OED says it’s a pot one boils flesh in. You dirty-minded buggers! Administrative Australian stuff Biology Ecology and Biodiversity Species concept Systematics Administrative
Administrative A busy fortnight 9 Dec 201122 Jun 2018 So, I have been rather active for the last fortnight (that’s two weeks for Americans). I visited Canberra to work on a species concept paper with a colleague, Brent Mishler. I attended a philosophy of biology workshop in Bundanoon, a sleepy little town outside Sydney. I got a love kiss… Read More
Administrative Australian internet filter dead in water 6 Aug 2010 Forners may not be aware of an extremely boring federal election in Australia right now. Indeed, few Australians seem aware of this. This is as it should be. Elections that are Interesting usually turn out to be Dangerous. But there is one good that has come out of this. The… Read More
Biology Evopsychopathy 3: The explanatory target 9 Dec 20122 Jan 2013 In the Bad Old Days, biologists, including Darwin, used to speak of “instinct” as an inherited trait of organisms. Darwin has a comment in his Notebooks It is absurd to talk of one animal being higher than another. — We consider those, when the intellectual faculties [/] cerebral structure most… Read More
And more good news! I know how you’ve wanted more attention from the philosophy blogosphere and now you’ve got it! That premier philosopher/scientist/lawyer, Casey Luskin, has taken notice of your Synthese article and finds you condescending and sneering. High praise indeed from someone who strives to make “Darwinist” into an insult! http://www.evolutionnews.org/2011/01/condescension_sneers_and_outri042641.html And the very notion of teaching children “experiential and experimental knowledge early” so they might be more rational is just a sinister plot to … uh … make ’em rational! You fiend, you!
But did you note: I am not as condescending as Kelly Smith? I of course wrote to Kelly to complain that he has defeated me.
There are some people toward whom condescension and sneering are appropriate responses. Pointing and laughing are good too.
Looks like remote Arizona, where I am now. Not blue mountains, but white. Sin city is far away. Can’t say I ever seen a cowboy bend over though. They don’t much care for beetling, but still like the Beatles. But I’m sure they wear cooler hats than Australians.
No question. My husband obtained a free Stetson, but it just sleeps in its box. I saw a TV program on how they are made; the process is lengthy and complex and I understand why they are expensive, but they are not very pretty. Can real Ozzie hats be found online, to be grabbed with U.S. dollars?
Good to hear you’re moving on and doing cool stuff. Sorry about not inviting you over for dinner last week to see the new house, not enough snorkels to go around.
Yep, sorted. Contents lump sum on way. Still working out how much we’ll get for building. Will lift house as high as possible. Renting 3bedroom house in wilston as of tomorrow off freind’s parents, and his mate’s a builder who’s on the case (lucky, expect accom and tradespeople will be very sought after).