Travel Diary 6 13 Oct 2009 Today I had a lovely time visiting Oxford University Press in the company of net-friend Mike Lyle and several of his philology friends. I checked that the OED has the right definitions of species (it’s not bad; I’ll send them a correction later), and then we went to a bookshop that had Loeb editions for £8. These cost a whole lot more in Australia. Say, about 8 times more… Beneath the fold is a picture of the conference team. Spot the Wally. Administrative
Administrative Short takes 9 May 2008 So much has been happening in the world while I was giving a talk on the adaptiveness of religion in Sydney. The Platypus thing was one item I’d have blogged on if the rest of the blogosphere hadn’t beaten me to it. All I can say is that no matter… Read More
Administrative Anyone in Amsterdam? 18 Mar 2009 I have a six hour layover at the airport in the morning of 20 April… or I can just work on my talk. Read More
Administrative Go vote for Grrl 12 Sep 2009 GrrlScientist, who blogs at Living the Scientific Life, is in third place to go to the Antarctic as guest of a tour company’s competition. She’s catching up on second place, which is currently held by a son of Donny Osmond. She needs your vote, so if you have already voted… Read More
Were you in the closet again? I’m guessing rear row jut to the left of the picture on the right side of the back wall. And couldn’t you have made the picture any smaller?