The Latest from the “Discovery” Institute 25 Jul 2008 Now it’s against gravity… “Too many scientists have been afraid to speak out against the powerful gravity lobby,” said Crowther. “With Intelligent Motion, we are looking forward to imposing balance on yet another heavy-handed field of science.” Humor
General Science Orb spiders 26 Oct 200818 Sep 2017 I love golden orb spiders – they are among the prettiest spiders you will find in Queensland, and the largest [click on the pic for information]. You’ll come across them in the oddest places, too. I once nearly stepped on one on a footpath (sidewalk to non-English speakers) in the… Read More
Administrative A meaningless numerical coincidence, w00t! 9 May 2008 Sometime over tonight, this blog will pass the half a million visits mark. Say it out loud with me: half…a…million! Now I know this is because the six regular readers routinely and obsessively visit me every fifteen seconds, and there are drugs being developed to cure that, but… half… a…… Read More
The first sentence made me think about Intelligent Falling. Seems I wasn’t the only one. BTW, congrats to Snowflake. He seems to have become a father.
The first sentence made me think about Intelligent Falling. Seems I wasn’t the only one. BTW, congrats to Snowflake. He seems to have become a father.
The first sentence made me think about Intelligent Falling. Seems I wasn’t the only one. BTW, congrats to Snowflake. He seems to have become a father.
The Newtonions, Einsteinistas, Intelligent Fallers, and Intelligent Movers are all blind to the real explanation of “gravity”: The Big Push®. Everything wants to float. Or fly. Or spin and frolick in the sky. But all are being held down, pushed to the ground, by Thems Whose We’re Not Meant to Knows. Science has proven this! It’s called “Dark Matter”. It’s pushing you to the ground, preventing you from fulfilling your potential, from soaring off to Mars for a quick holiday, and means we have to put up with French cheeses rather than the Real Stuff™ on The Moon. Send your credit card and bank details to my colleague in Nigeria and I’ll tell you how to defeat The Big Push®. Why stay pushed to the ground any longer!?
This is quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I’ve read this year. QUOTE: ?Take birds, for instance,? he said, ?why doesn?t gravity seem to affect them as they soar majestically through the air?” Good lord. Robert Crowther’s comment basically saying that the article doesnt represent the DI’s opinion isnt much better QUOTE: “However, atheistic physicists claim that naturalistic gravity also makes the planets ?fall? in their orbits. This is demonstrably false. The moon, for example does not fall, but remains suspended in the heavens.” Its ridiculous. Its exactly the same force that everything on earth experiences, just far enough away from the earth that its in a constant state of falling ‘next to’ the planet
This is quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I’ve read this year. QUOTE: ?Take birds, for instance,? he said, ?why doesn?t gravity seem to affect them as they soar majestically through the air?” Good lord. Robert Crowther’s comment basically saying that the article doesnt represent the DI’s opinion isnt much better QUOTE: “However, atheistic physicists claim that naturalistic gravity also makes the planets ?fall? in their orbits. This is demonstrably false. The moon, for example does not fall, but remains suspended in the heavens.” Its ridiculous. Its exactly the same force that everything on earth experiences, just far enough away from the earth that its in a constant state of falling ‘next to’ the planet
The only thing missing was a reference to Intelligent Motion research currently being planned by Guillermo Gonzalez. Lucky Naked Loon, they have an endless source of local news fodder.
The only thing it misses is a detailed explanation of why the theory of gravity causes the moral downfall of our society (something along the lines of: if everything that goes up eventually comes down [*], why bother about anything?) [*] which should prompt nice ?Gravity doesn’t work that way!? answers…
The only thing it misses is a detailed explanation of why the theory of gravity causes the moral downfall of our society (something along the lines of: if everything that goes up eventually comes down [*], why bother about anything?) [*] which should prompt nice ?Gravity doesn’t work that way!? answers…
The only thing it misses is a detailed explanation of why the theory of gravity causes the moral downfall of our society (something along the lines of: if everything that goes up eventually comes down [*], why bother about anything?) [*] which should prompt nice ?Gravity doesn’t work that way!? answers…
I have long been a proponent of Intelligent Attraction. This proposes that women should be attracted to men by their intelligence rather than anything else. Unfortunately, most women appear to be have been misled by the Evilutionary Branch of the Evil Atheist Cabal (TM) into thinking that other male attributes are more attractive. They must be educated into realising that the size of black helicopters isn’t everything.
I have long been a proponent of Intelligent Attraction. This proposes that women should be attracted to men by their intelligence rather than anything else. Unfortunately, most women appear to be have been misled by the Evilutionary Branch of the Evil Atheist Cabal (TM) into thinking that other male attributes are more attractive. They must be educated into realising that the size of black helicopters isn’t everything.
So that’s what happened to the most recently confiscated-at-the-border shipment of BC’s finest. From my experience, outside of a small number of freethinker organizations here in the Seattle area, most people here don’t know who or what the Discovery Institute is, let alone what it purports to do. They don’t even get local press coverage – it’s “steel spikes in the lake” for the headlines here, not “teach the gravity controversy.” I’ve not yet decided if that’s a good thing or a bad one, however.
Good grief – obviously by starting with gravity, they’re aiming at taking on General relativity and space-time curvature, expansion of the universe etc. which gives us the calculations of the age of the universe that are many orders of magnitude greater than those that sheep herders several thousand years ago could imagine. It’s like ‘I don’t want this mountain to be here, so lets bang our foreheads against it until it goes away’. However, it is tempting to use the same kind of (un-)logic, and just redefine the word ‘intelligent’, despite all its integrated history in our literature, as: ‘a non-existent word that means stupid’.
Is that not a spoof site, look at the main headline currently: “Survey: 2% of Consumers Give a Crap About Blu-ray” others: “Ahmadinejad Discovers, Embraces Jewish Ancestry” etc