The Great Leader speaks (Mandarin) 29 Oct 2007 I actually don’t dislike the guy, but this is one of the funniest political ads I’ve ever seen. For forners (not from Orstraya), it helps to know that Rudd leads the erstwhile socialist party, speaks Mandarin, and is likely to win the next federal election. [youtube=] Humor Politics
Humor Adopt an atheist auction 10 Dec 201110 Dec 2011 Greg Laden is reporting that the Catholic League of America is calling for Catholics to adopt an atheist. I think this is an excellent idea! In fact, I think it should be expanded. Every religion should compete to adopt atheists. I think that I will allow whichever believer offers me… Read More
Politics It’s the end of the world as he knows it 4 Dec 2008 This is just embarrassing. Here’s a representative of Parliament in the ALP, which I have noted before is increasingly pandering to religious interests: LABOR MP James Bidgood, the first-time MP under investigation for selling pictures of a protester attempting to set fire to himself outside Parliament House, has declared the… Read More
Politics Suppose the Republicans win, or lose 2 Nov 2008 I haven’t seen a lot of commentary about what it will mean if the Republicans go down or if they win the White House and Congress. From half a world away, some reflections beneath the fold. Read More
Can we hope for (cringe in terror of) a Cultural Revolution? I think there’s a Five Year Plan for one, yes.
Rudd is the Australian equivalent of New Labour. He speaks fluent Mandarin, and when APEC was held here a few months back he addressed the Chinese delegation in their own language. This led to the video, as you see. We are hip deep in errr… electioneering (yes, that’s it, electioneering. Not shit, no.) right now, and the election date is 24th November. Three weeks into it and we are all sick of it. So it’s nice to see some satire. I want the parliament to be divided almost evenly between the Greens and the Democrats (not much like yours), with the Liberals who are illiberal, Labor who are mostly pro-union and both are pro-big industry, failing to get any seats at all. Oh, and every child gets a candy bar and a big soft toy…
I actually don’t care much for Rudd. I’ll support a Labor government because it will be infinitely better than the current Howard government. What would have been awesome (in the reality that the Greens are not going to get an lower house seats) would have been a Julia Gillard lead Labor government. I’m still hoping we’ll get one in a few elections time.